Side Roleplay

On this page, you can participate in a side-roleplay at any time, regardless of whether you're on a quest. You can also interact in the areas while in the side roleplay.

The only rule is that whatever goes on on this page doesn't effect the main plot in any way.
Have fun!


  1. Shadow woke up to the alarm clock. Then the creator of Shadow realized that her alarm clock was not water proof so it broke. Shadow rejoiced and went back to sleep for, hopefully, another 1000000000000 years.

    1. Marina hesitantly nudged Shadow, hoping she could make friends with her. She felt bad waking her, but she looked nice.

    2. Shadow woke. "Hello. What do you need from me, Marina?" (im following my personality)

    3. Marina suddenly regretted bothering Shadow and nervously stuttered, "Oh! I-I'm so so so so so sorry, uh, nevermind!" She rapidly dashed away, feeling really awkward. She then sighed, lonely and fingered her beaded bracelet she found.

    4. Shadow sighed. "Why do these people always think I am being hostile?" He thought. He got up and went over to her spot in the camp.

    5. Marina was busy examining her bracelet, and did not notice Shadow come in. She was humming a quiet tune to herself and she flapped her tail up and down.

    6. Shadow said "Hey, Marina, I'm here. No need to be scared of me. Want to talk?"

    7. Marina swiveled around. "Oh, it's nothing," she said quietly, not looking back. "Just wondering if anyone would want to play with me, but I guess everyone's tired. You can go back go bed."

    8. (Ignore the swiveled around part :P)

    9. I said "Nay, I can play, Don't feal like u have to send me to bed, long as the game doesn't involve breaking rules, I'm good."

    10. Marina's face lit up and she quickly swirled around Shadow, excited. "Ooh, ok, no one's out in the pearlball court, or we could go play pearl-pool near the blacksmith's place... Oh yeah! There's also some fish out near camp we could catch.. Uh, and there's lot to do! I've been so bored. What should we do?"

    11. Shadow said, "Perhaps we can catch some fish, then use the pearl-ball court." He said this in his usually serious manner.

    12. Marina smiled and swam to the opening quickly. "Come on, hurry!" She said playfully. Marina sort of took fishing as an excuse to explore. She looked at the coral reef that exploded in such color, and the big schools of fish that swam by. She called Shadow to hurry up again, and she began chasing fish.

    13. Shadow saw a school of trout, and began stalking it, and clawed up about 15 or so fish.

    14. Marina swam back and forth with no luck catching any fish. She looked over to Shadow, who was catchings loads of fish. She imitated him and was soon getting heaps of fish. "Look at all the fish I'm getting!" Marina shouted, pridefully.

    15. Shadow took a short break from hunting and looked to see she had caught about 10 fish and was getting more. "Pretty good for a newcomer," he said, unimpressed.

    16. Marina continued and was progressively improving. She swam swifter and caught fish more easily, and was soon landing piles of fish. Eventually she grew tired and was worn out after the long hour of fishing.

    17. Shadow congratulated her on the fish, meaning it. He said, "We got 'bout an hour 'till the rest of the crew gets up. Let's go back to bed so they don't know we were here.

  2. Marina nodded and drifted back to her shell-bed. She curled up on her bed as Shadow went back to his place. Being exhausted, Marina ended up sleeping in, but was soon awoken by a sharp, harsh tone.
    It was Brutus, the Aquian leader. Marina snapped awake and turned her attention to Brutus. Brutus just glared at her for a few seconds and then mumbled to himself, "Wish we got some more USEFUL Aquians..." as he led the rest of the soldiers to training. Marina bit her lip.

    1. Shadow woke up a bit later, at his own will. He swam, loosely and relaxed, over to the training area where he saw Marina and they others training hard. "Good thing I ain't a solder with that beast of a dolphin as leader," Shadow thought and went back to his shelter to work on a new type of metal trident, stronger then before. (Beta, this is the part where I give you advantages. You get the good trident.)

    2. Marina swam about after training and visited Shadow's blacksmith repair place. She poked her head around the corner and peeped a quite "Hi"
      She saw him working on a deep blue colored trident with sharp edges.

    3. Shadow looked up once almost finished. "Hey there Marina. How's it goin' with that beast of a dolphin as the leader of yer' group? Anyways, I'm working on this trident here. It's sharper, lighter, and easier to throw, stab, or destroy with. Ya' wanna test it out for me when I'm done? If ya wanna, you can keep it. I'm only making these for officers and select solders. Got a list of the animals I wanna give 'em to." Shadow was in a good mood, thus he was speaking rather relaxed and improperly. "I only gotta put this dead whirlpearl in. Got a collection of the dead ones the soldiers got no use for. They give it this glowing effect, thus can be used as a light source." (Note: this is side roleplay. Beta does not actually have this. Beta, tell me if its too OP for you.)

    4. Marina was pleased to see Shadow. She cautiously picked up the trident, staring at it's sharp ends to it's deep blue color. Marina thought to herself, "Maybe this would impress the captain..." She held it carefully and accepted Shadow's offer. "I'd love to!"

    5. Shadow replied, "Good. And if that Brutus gives you any crap, tell me and I'll take care of it."

    6. Marina nodded and went out to test her trident. She swung it at a piece of coral just outside of camp. It sliced through the coral freely and left a perfect, clean cut. "Woah"
      Marina beamed and couldn't wait to show it off.

    7. Shadow was watching. He smiled. This was a good quality trident! He thought to himself, "This is such a good quality trident, especially in dark waters! (Because of the dead whirlpearl that gives light) She'll love it! Think of all the uses it would have in construction too! Burrows and safe-holes for drinking antidotes and healing will never be the same with this!"

    8. Marina was beaming and darted inside just as training was starting again. She kept a broad smile on her face and held her trident. She could hear whispers from the other soldiers, knowing that it was her trident. As they swam through camp, Marina saw Shadow and waved before continuing past the column. Holding her trident proudly, she was ready for training.

    9. Shadow decided to park himself on the sandy floor outside the training grounds. He wanted to watch what happens with the trident once training started and Brutus saw it. (Beta I can't do much until you comment with what happens with training and Brutus k?

    10. Marina whizzed through training easily. The soldiers whispered about her, and Marina smiled. Even Brutus was impressed. "Hey, kid, not bad. Pretty good for a newcomer. You're done training."
      Marina nodded and swam past the other soliders, who weren't even half way through training. She even passed by someone and carelessly slayed the phantom right next to him. Marina swam to Shadow's shop.

    11. Shadow returned to his shop and smiled. "Training went pretty good today, eh?" he said. "I am going to make armor out of this new material I used to make the trident. I'm going to name it Prismarine. Any ideas for thing I could make with this?" he asked. (Give me ideas pls)

    12. Marina looked at how the prismarine illuminated in the darkness, and remembered how well it cut through things. "Maybe something with it's ability to glow in the dark. Maybe a cool blade too, with it's cutting ability. I dunno, but it looks pretty cool."
      Marina lounged around Shadow's shop looking around while he continued to build the Prismarine armor.

    13. Shadow took his hammer and pounded a shape into the chunk of prismarine. Marina watched him, but instead of armor, he made a pickax. "You know where we fished the other day? I want you to go there and look for some prismarine, find it, scoop it up with this pickax, then put it in your bag and bring it to me. I need more of it," he said. He continued making the armor he had set aside for the pick, and waited for Marina to leave.

    14. (Lmao I smell Minecraft in this)
      Marina held the pickaxe in her flippers for a while, examining it before heading out. She glided through and across the camp to the fishing site. She watched as more schools of fish zoomed by. She then kept a look out for a deep blue substance in the coral reef.

      After a few minutes of searching, something caught the back of her eye. At last! Marina collected the prismarine and gently placed it in her satchel. Something was buried next to it. It looked like an old piece of paper. Marina grabbed it out of the sand. It looked like a map. There was one big X in the left hand corner of the page. The X was the same blue color as the primarine. "Is this some sort of prismarine jackpot?" She thought to herself. She turned it over, finding a set of recipes for prismarine armor. She let out a gasp of excitement. She forgot about her prismarine collecting mission and headed back to show it to Shadow.

      "Shadow, Shadow! I found something!"
      "Marina, give me the prismarine."
      "No, this is better!" She give him the map/crafting recipe. "Look!"

    15. "Lemme see what you got," Shadow said. He looked at it. (And yes, Beta, I got prismarine from Minecraft. I like the name, so I used it. I was also considering aquamarine, but I decided on prismarine.) "Hey, this is pretty nice. Lets see what types of armor we got." He looked through the map. He saw back armor, and tail armor, a helmet, a lantern (I know its not armor, but I don't care), and something that looked like Ilikua Shark Fin Pads. "Nice discovery," Shadow commented. "More light armor for us. We used to only have back armor. This is good. Now can you do what I asked you too, Map-finder?"

    16. Marina felt useful for once and smiled with glee. She glanced back at the armor recipes one last time and then rushed out, to collect flipper-fulls of prismarine.

      Marina found so much she had to make multiple trips. She dropped off loads of prismarine into Shadow's shop, hour after hour.

    17. "Good job, Marina. I think you can rest now," said Shadow after 9 trips. "I am going to work on this helmet, then you can test it next battle, maybe? I will also work on this lantern here. I think you can go to bed early, maybe catch a meal? You've earned it." Marina went out of the shop.

    18. Marina was thankful for the break. She helped her self to a trout and salmon dinner and then hit the hay. She woke up earlier as per usual yo visit Shadow before training.

    19. She swam into Shadow's shop, a bit tired. Shadow was hard at work with the prismarine. "Hey Shadow. How's it going?"

    20. Shadow was working on a lantern, having finished a full set of armor.

    21. "Hey there, Marina. Pretty good. Try on this armor for me?" Shadow said.

    22. Marina slipped into the armor, lighter than she expected, with an eerie luminous glow to it.
      She swam back and forth, testing it. Her tail needed more room to swim easily, and it was rather tight and bulky near her top fin.
      "Could you fix the tail's opening and the give more room for my fin?"

    23. "Ok, Marina. Give me the armor." Marina took off the armor. Shadow hammered the tail to a hunk of prismarine, then made it a bigger tail. He did the same with the fin. "Here ya go," Shadow said.

    24. Marina squeezed into the armor. Perfect! She fit in it perfectly, and swimming was no chore anymore.
      "It's perfect."

    25. "Nice," Shadow said. "I just need to find a dark area to test this lantern here, and the fin pads, then I can start mass-producing it. Well, not that big of a mass, but enough for officials and animals I like." He gave her shark pads and asked her to find a rock or something to test it on. "Use it as the Ilikua do, something is telling me they wrote this but didn't know how to smith any of these items."

    26. (BTW, would you mind checking the Army Camp page frequently? If you get a belt, I'd be happy to give you some shells for the coral tube and the belt.)

    27. (Computerrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
      Marina let Shadow get to work. She examined the Prismarine Map closely. She saw a small landmark on the top of the page. "is that camp?" she thought to herself. She was about to ask Shadow, but a sharp voice cut her off. "TRAINING, AQUIAN SOLDIERS, GATHER!" Brutus's voice boomed across the camp. Marina rushed out.

      "What's with her armor? Looks like she fell in a bucket of blue paint. She probably did." The other Aquian soldiers snickered around her. She made a face, but said nothing.

      Training was great. Marina easily made it through the training course, and laughed as the other soldiers were still failing to get past the first challenge - swimming through the dark coral room. Brutus smiled at her, "Hey, Marina, what's with the armor? Looks like it came in handy."
      "Oh, just a little somethin' a friend made for me. Made outta special stuff."
      "Mind if I take a look?"
      "Say, Marina, is this prismarine?"
      "Mhm. Shadow, the blacksmith, made it for me."
      "Oh really? I've found a big ol' jackpot of this stuff down near the Ilikua Outpost, past the temple. Made a map but lost it. Wish I had it so we could use it against the enemies."
      Marina was shocked. Was it the same map she found? Marina pretended to not know of any map.
      "Looks like I should yell at the soldiers for being slow sea turtles." Brutus slowly swam over and began yelling at them.
      Once training was over, Marina eagerly told Shadow the news.

    28. "He made it? Surprising, Eh? I am now working on making more armor and a couple of tridents. Giving 'em out tomorrow. Ask Brutus if he wants me to make a ton. Tell him to pay me a visit, eh?" Shadow said.
      (BTW, would you mind trading your stick with me? Or do you want my gnarly root to make the magic whirlpearl staff?)

    29. (on computer, and I'll see the Crafting Pit tab when I have time tomorrow.)

      Marina would tell Brutus to take a look at the shop the first thing in the morning. Marina examined the map further and saw a small, faded signature that looked liked it'd spell Brutus.
      "Hey, does this up here look anything like camp?" She pointed to the center of the page in the top.
      "Looks like that's the training course and the army camp a bit to the right. Maybe we could find this prismarine jackpot."

    30. Shadow said, "If so, I could make enough armor for the whole army! I'm sure they'd like it."

    31. (I want your coral tube)

    32. Marina nodded. "It might be hard to get there, though. You'll come with me, right?"

    33. (Never mind coral tube I got it)
      "Yes, I will."

    34. Marina thought about it. "When do we begin? I'll miss training for who knows how long... What will the camp leaders say..?"

    35. "Tell 'em it's important. Oh yeah, and leave a note in notification, don't say "Hoi m8s me'll bgone fur couple o' weekz k?" because that is stupid. Come back with success and we'll be good."

    36. Marina thought for a bit and then finally announced, "Alright. Let's go." She began collecting her materials. She dumped out the unnecessary items from her satchel and put it in her chest, next to her shell bed. She put in some whirlpearls, food, kelp nets, coral boomerangs, and various weapons. She grabbed the glimmer blue trident and slipped on her prismarine armor

    37. Shadow got his blacksmith materials and his harpoon. His backpack was huge with space for fifty items, so he wasn't worried about space.

    38. Marina slipped the paper note into the bottle and tossed it in Brutus's mailbox. Marina bit her lip.
      "You ready?"

    39. "Yup" Shadow said. They left, following the map. They found a cute coral reef along the way and stopped for a break.

    40. Marina posed near the large corals, out of breath. She thought she had trained well, but apparently not. She dug in her satchel and grabbed a fish. "Wow, this is tiring." Shadow leaned against the large coral and munched on a juicy salmon. Marina searched the coral reef on the wrinkled map. Not even a 1/4 of the way there. Marina sighed, "It's gonna be a long journey... Are you sure it's gonna be worth it?"

    41. "I think so. If not, find some crap along the way back and pile it to make it look like something." Shadow said. They continued on their journey.

    42. Marina grew hesitant. "Ok..."
      She and Shadow continued their journey. After many miles of swimming, they came across the old Ilikua temple. "Is that the... Temple..?"

    43. "Sure is," replied Shadow. Almost there! They journeyed on, and soon saw a glimmer of prismarine. They hurriedly swam over.

    44. Marina eyes the temple cautiously. She knew she defeated that quest already, but she still had a bad feeling about passing the temple. She shook her head and followed close behind Shadow.

    45. Marina heard something from behind and spun around, grabbing Shadow. "What was that??"
      "Calm down Marina, it's probably some falling debris or something. Let's go."
      Marina didn't move. She heard the moaning noise again, clear as day. A shadowed figure emerged from the temple's left. It looked like a guard. The shadowed creature turned, straight at them. It began to swim closer.

    46. (Bro, you gonna roleplay with me or..?)

    47. (I got bored and found a really cool skyblock server that occupied all my time sorry) Shadow darted over to the prismarine and scooped up a tad, did a few quick hammer movements, and soon had a knife of sorts. He whispered to Marina, "Unless more come, fight!"

    48. Marina nodded and gripped her trident, tying a rope to its end and using it as a harpoon. She struck one right at its chest and reeled her quickly made harpoon in. Marina looked and saw more coming.
      She shouted a curse word and darted away with Shadow

    49. Shadow also darted away. They ran until they got to a sunken ship to rest. Shadow looked down and laughed. "I guess we have all the prismarine we need," said Shadow. The ship was made of prismarine and marble!

    50. Marina looked down realizing. She immediately began filling her satchel with loads of prismarine. "This is perfect! And we now know where it is too. We can come back for more once we get a good amount of it."
      Marina's satchel was now full to the brim with prismarine and a few pieces of marble. She looked at Shadow. "Let's get back before the captains think we ran away from camp!"

    51. (Did I even comment? Ignore this if I said it already) Shadow and Marina raced back to camp. Brutus was there, and he saw them. "Were have YOU been?" he asked. Shadow said, "We were on an important expedition and found and Ilikua base and a ship filled with prismarine and..." Shadow threw in a lot of legal crap and it looked like Brutus bought it.

    52. Marina grinned, looking up at Brutus.
      "Prismarine, eh? Not bad. But took you long enough. Marina, you'll have to do some extra training then."
      Marina mumbled something to herself and then nodded. She and Shadow then returned to their camps to rest.

    53. Shadow was fiddling around with the prismarine they just got. He decided to invent one more thing, then start mass-producing. He wanted a flail, but he had to get metal for the chain and handle. He dug up some old metal used for previous tridents. He proceeded to experiment with the flail idea.

    54. Marina had finished her extra training that day and was exhausted. She peered into Shadow's shop.
      "Hey, how's it goin'?"

    55. "Good," he said.
      "I was working on this flail here, any improvements suggested?" (Did you have to google what a flail was?)

    56. And at that moment, the roleplay died.

  3. *Uri woke up to the sound of her alarm. Startled, she swam to the Forge, on the way, grabbing a tibblit casserole and a salmon*

    1. *She swam out of the forge, and back into the Blacksmith's cabin.* "Whew!"

    2. And Cerise, since I'm now NM, can my character change to a turtle?
      Sixty58. Aka Uri. BBRP

  4. *The amateur blacksmith began to work on her trident for the Kelpian soldiers. The trident was a lush marble with a small ruby encrusted into the center of the spikes. Then startled, she heard a faint voice* "Who's in there?".

    1. Marina darted back behind the corner.
      "I should really find something more interesting to do than spy on the blacksmiths.." Once the blacksmith turned back around, she poked her head in to watch once more.

    2. Uri sighed. "Mph, sounds like Marina." She followed the Aquarian solider "It's fine. I'm Uri. You're Marina, right? "She smiled at the solider" It's ok, I forgive you for spying on me." She rolled her eyes

    3. She smirked "It's ok. Here, I have a cool armor for you. It's legal Prismarine. Lucky find at Crayfish Cove."

    4. Marina stared down at the prismarine armor, puzzled as to how it ended up in Crayfish cove. Her mouth hung open for a while, confused.

      Uri looked down at her, "What's the matter, kid? My pleasure."

      Marina hesitantly took the armor. She stammered a quick thank you and awkwardly turned the corner, leaving quick.

    5. Shadow came into his forge. He had heard the conversation. "Why did she say 'legal' and why is it in Crayfish Cove?" he thought. Anyways, Brutus told him to train other smiths since he was smithing for a long time. (Shadow didn't want to, but Brutus's orders, you know.)

    6. Marina rushed into Shadow's shop, but saw that a bunch of other blacksmiths were in there. They all stared at her, so she quickly left again, embarrassed.

  5. *Uri swiftly made it through the armor making courses. Her turnle fins (I'm nm now so I'm a turtle) swiftly shaped the pieces of marble and plaster* "Hey, look at her!", said one of the blacksmiths.

    1. Shadow looked and thought, "Am I seriously the only one who knows how to make a prismarine trident? It is superior to this marble that breaks 10x more easily then prismarine, does less damage, and doesn't glow."

    2. Uri looked at Shadow. "Are you making that for the soldiers? Here, let me help." She grabbed a nice chunk of Prismarine and started shaping it into a size 10 armor for Brutus. She put in the finishing touches, a small ruby encrusted into the middle of the chest.

      She then continued to shift the clunky armor into it's smooth texture. Finally, she said "It's all done!" Half of the Forge was clapping. She bowed, and swam out of the Forge to find Marina. "Now.. is she a Kelpian, Aquain, Stygian or Romantian.."

  6. *She looked at Shadow* Whoa, I can make prismarine too! I'm making tridents and armor for the Kelpian soldiers. *She stuck out her fin* The name's Uri. I just joined the Brigade two months ago.

    1. (Can you stop acting like the top of the class and be normal? It's getting on my nerves) Shadow nodded is acceptance. He wasn't to social, then went on to make the tail armor and a trident.

  7. Kelpae looked around the area. There seemed to be no dolphins around. Sighing, she collected her thoughts and decided to go for a little swim. She was the only Kelpian outside of the Army base, and planned to not travel too far....

    1. Marina was swimming around chasing after fish when she saw a Kelpian soldier come out of base camp. She ducked behind some coral to observe her...

  8. Aquamarine's alarm clock went off. She groggily waved her flipper in the general direction of the alarm to try and hit "snooze". Unfortunately, she just knocked it over. She had to get up, put the alarm back, and swim out of the giant round coral she "lived" in. She then swam out of the top of the coral, and swam to training. Suddenly, she realized she forgot to bring her trident. (DUN DUN DUNN?)

  9. Irene woke up to the sound of her annoying alarm clock. Reluctantly, she got up. There wasn't training today, so she read and practiced on her own. When she got bored, she headed out and ran into someone on her doorstep. (sugaryhoney)

    1. Marina had dropped a flipperful of prismarine when Irene crashed into her. "Hey! Watch it!"
      She began picking up the precious blue shards, muttering something silently.

    2. "I'm sorry, but what are you doing here?" She picks up the blue shards too. "I heard you're friends with a blacksmith, this for him?"


  11. Astoria swam around, hoping to meet someone to chat with. After all, it was her first day with the brigade and she wanted to get to know more of the people who work here.

    1. (Not really sure how to start this)
      Shadow walked out of the camp of dead and inactive people. Is that an active, living person? I haven't seen one of those since Marina disappeared. Shadow tried getting in her line of vision so the LIVING person could see him and possibly approach.

    2. Astoria noticed a black-furred otter swim by her. So she wasn't the only alive person here after all! Excited to see the other, she swam towards the otter and tapped his shoulder with her fin. "Hi! I'm Astoria. New here."

    3. Shadow replied, "Ey, I'm Shadow. Been here for quite a while. Me old friend here Marina deserted, been sittin' here doin' blacksmith stuff for 'while.

    4. "This place does look a little post apocalyptic, doesn't it?" Astoria looked around her. "Were you the last one here?"

    5. "I know I was one of the last. You got some newbies off fighting phantoms, I'm doing more advanced stuff, but I know they all deserted. So not sure, but most likely. This ol' brigade'll die if we don't get new folks in here.

    6. "You know, something tells me that they're not truly dead." Astoria said as she scanned the area, looking at the other silent animals. "Seems to me like they're petrified. It could be possible to wake them, but I don't know how.".

    7. "Hmmmmmm..." Shadow said, thinking. "Entirely possible. How do you usually undo petrified things?"

    8. "I don't know. I've never done it before." Astoria said, shaking her head. "Maybe my spellbook says something." Astoria flicked through her spellbook, searching for a suitable spell.

    9. (I recommend starting a Battledome and always having one going)

      Shadow looked around, then dug around in his satchel for anything useful. Oh yes, he had crafted that staff and he did have a spellbook, but he really had no idea how to use them. Perhaps his said something different, he kept that in mind.

    10. ((Good idea.))

      "Aha! Here! This page says something about petrified bodies." Astoria's eyes lit up with glee. "It says: The body of a lost soul is not dead like most think it to be. It is merely an empty shell without any soul. The body can actually live for a while without a soul, but not for long. This is because the soul accounts for the sense of purpose in life. When the body loses its purpose, it just 'dies'. The body of a lost soul is known as a petrified body. It can be awoken if its soul is found, and re-enters the body. With a jolt of electricity, the body should be awoken." Astoria red aloud.

    11. "Interesting," Shadow said, thinking. "Now how exactly do you find a soul? Shouldn't have any problem getting electricity, with all the jellies swimming about, but souls, hmm..."

    12. "I don't know." Astoria shook her head. "I guess that's why petrified bodies seem dead: they are very difficult to be awoken. I don't even know how to detect if there are lost souls floating around here. Maybe you can build something?"

    13. I have FIVE XP LEFT. FIVE.

    14. "Hmm," said Shadow. "I could be able to build some sort of a trap/decoy/attraction for them, if I knew what they were attracted too. Let's see..." he thought as he dug around in his inventory. "Aha! Me spellbook. Let's see if it has anything in it." Shadow dug out a very brand-new looking book without a single shred of wear on it. "Drives me crazy how disorganized these are. Still have no idea how to use it to attack," Shadow mumbled as he flipped through the book. "Ah! Says here, 'Souls are naturally attracted to light, like moths. They are also invisible to the naked eye, but a glowing ball of light can trap them, if bright enough. A very bright light entrances them.'" Shadow read.

    15. "Interesting," Astoria muttered. "So all we need is a very bright ball of light. I'm sure you can build that, right Shadow?" Astoria asked. "And oh, I never knew you had a spellbook and staff too. I can teach you how to use it, whaddaya say?"

    16. "Ay, I'm sure I can get a ball o' light in here, just gotta get a few things. And sure, if ya showed me how ta use 'is thing, at'd be nice." Shadow pulled out a few stalks of glowing coral, his spellbook, his weird staff, and numerous other things and started fiddling with them.

    17. "Ok," Astoria began. "This is all about magic. You see, the magic of your staff is concentrated here." Astoria pointed to the whirlpearl on the staff. "You can shoot lots of magicy things from here. These blasts of magic can be really powerful."

    18. Shadow watched her explain it. He picked up his wand and tried shooting (How else do you describe it) it at the ceiling.

    19. "It's not physical power that counts here. The strength of your grip does not matter." Astoria continued to teach. "You've got to say an incantation, then will the magic to flow."

    20. At first, Shadow got very excited about thinking about this. I wonder how it does that, perhaps a sensor, or maybe waves, oh wow cool, oh wait a second it's magic. "Why does the dead whirlpearl even hold anything? Also, how does it know what you said? Does a bigger one make it more 'magical'? Does the handle have anything to do with it? What if you put a living one in here, would it blow, or what else would work?" Shadow began to launch a flurry of random questions (That probably didn't matter a whole lot, but being a blacksmith, he took it as a literal thing), and he looked very excited about the prospect. He then looked at Astoria's confused look and snapped back to normal. "Alright."

    21. "That's a lot of questions," Astoria replied, looking a little irritated and confused. "I don't think I can answer them all. Look Shadow, I may be a mystic, but I'm not the greatest. I only know how to practise the art of magic." Astoria shook her head. Do all blacksmiths think this way? How complicated.

    22. "Always like to think of ways of improving things, but I guess magic isn't metal. Big difference," he said. "Quite fascinating, though. Sorry if I'm bugging you, but I like knowing things." Shadow decided to try attacking this differently.

    23. "Obviously." Astoria replied. "One is tangible while the other, not so tangible. But sometimes, the vast world of magic is not meant to be known all at once." Astoria had a faraway look in her eyes.

    24. Shadow watched her. How interesting. Shadow decided to let her have her moment and began attempting to design something that could find these souls floating about.

    25. Suddenly, Astoria snapped our of her trance. "Oh, I'm so sorry you had to see me like that," Astoria apologised profusely. "I don't even realise when it happens!" Astoria facefinned. "It usually happens all of a sudden. What are you doing now?"

    26. ((Any luck with the advertising, Flinty?))

    27. (People have liked my Bottlenose Brigade Roleplay advertisements, but nobody seems to be joining. Perhaps I should change my message? "Ayy, that's alright. I'm trying to make something to catch these souls, we kinda got sidetracked there."

    28. ((Can't really view your message, so I requested access. Oh, and I tried searching 'AJBBR' on google and didn't get to this blog. Could it partially be the reason why no one knows? And since the SWS hasn't really revived yet, I suppose tracks of this blog is disappearing.))

      "Right. The soul catcher." Astoria remembers what they were doing. "You are the master at crafting, Shadow. Maybe I can help you get some of the parts needed?" Astoria asked.

    29. (How odd. Searching AJ Bottlenose Brigade Roleplay brings it up first result for me. What did you get? Also I gave you viewing perms on me message.)

      "Well, let's see," Shadow thought aloud. "I think I need a lot of glass and some of that glowing coral. I have the rest here. Also, if you could find some mechanical lights, that would be great."

    30. ((Ah. I realised that you've gotta search the full name of this site, not the abbreviation. Also, I left some comments on the doc. Hope it helps!))

      "Mechanical lights?" Astoria looked at Shadow with a doubtful stare. "Don't those run on electricity? Won't it shock us all underwater?"

    31. "Not electric, mechanical, I guess I could have phrased it artificial, just anything bright, even some, wait no, just alright," Shadow said in a voice that clearly said 'I obviously did not mean kill-us-all lights.' Shadow then began to swim towards his forge.

    32. "Right, right." Astoria hurriedly replied with a tone that implied 'I didn't mean to doubt ya...'. She proceeded to search the base camp to look for anything bright-looking.

    33. ((Heya Flinty, shall we invite Lance into our chain if he wants to join it?))

    34. ((i would rather start my own chain but thank you anyways))

    35. (Ay, sure, that would be fun)
      Shadow got to his forge. This might require heat, so he went up to the drier surface area of his forge, a small bud-shaped room that had a nice, dry platform a table of iron. Shadow then began attempted to make
      a design with room for a ball of light, and then a nettish thing so they wouldn't escape.

    36. ((Sure Lance, feel free to join us at any time.))

      Astoria frantically searched the camp for anything that could light up. However, the only things that she found were the brigade lamps that were anchored to the floor. There is no way that she can yank it out.

      As she turned around to deliver the bad news to Shadow, a glimmer of light caught her eye. It came from a nearby sunken ship that was already there when she first arrived at the brigade. Excited, she motioned to Shadow that she will be heading towards the ship to search for a source of light.

    37. Shadow saw her motioning and nodded his head. He snagged a fish passing by, and had a snack as he began shaping a hunk of metal into a shape.

    38. Astoria cheerily swam into the sunken ship in hopes if looking for s light source. The ship was rather dank, and being inside unnerved her a little. Nevertheless, she pressed on, because she knew that Shadow needs the light to finish the device.

      She rounded a bend and saw a gold-plated chest. Maybe that was what caught her eye? Using her snout, she nudged the chest out of its spot. Lifting it up, she tried to swim out of the wreck. However, the bulk of the chest was making it hard for her to manoeuvre her way out of there. She rounded a bend, and accidentally ran into a large, rotten plank. Given its condition, it crumbled once Astoria bumped into it, bringing the whole ceiling down with it.

      Astoria instinctively used the chest to protect her head when the ceiling came crashing down. She fumbled for her wand, only to realise that she had left it at the base camp. On instinct, she tried to use her snout to shift the planks out of the way, but they were all too large for her to move. Panicking, she let out a high-pitched dolphin wail, hoping that someone nearby would hear her.

    39. Shadow was peacefully working on his device when he heard a faint trilling. Curious and slightly alarmed, he set down his half-finished device and swam out of his forge. He heard it again, coming from the ship. "Sigh. Poor Astoria, sounds like it's coming from her." Shadow swam towards the ship.

    40. Astoria wasn't sure if anyone heard her cry for help, so she repeatedly body slammed the wooden planks, hoping to shove them out of the way. From the outside, it would sound like a dull thud after another.

    41. Shadow got to the ship and looked around. He heard a series of thuds coming from the front of the ship. He entered and walked around, feeling eerie. He felt like he was being watched. He heard more thudding to his right, so he swam in that direction, hammer at the ready.

    42. Did anyone hear her call for help? Astoria began to panic. Heart racing, she continued to body slam the wooden planks. She took a deep breath and let out a scream, "Help!"

    43. Shadow heard a scream from the direction he was heading. He quickly dashed over to a pile of collapsed rubble. He heard more thudding, and called out, "I'm here!" He then began pounding on the pile of rubble, and pretty soon he had formed a hole in it, through which he could see Astoria madly trying to escape.

    44. "Shadow? Thank Zios you're here! I thought nobody would hear me." Astoria heaved a giant sigh of relief. "Maybe if this hole were bigger, I can swim out. Or if you could pass my staff through the hole, I can blast my way out." Astoria was rather bruised from all that body slamming.

    45. "I'd rather bust it open, I don't have your staff on me." Shadow slammed his hammer into the rubble until Astoria was able to swim out. Shadow began swimming out until he heard a low, raspy voice calling out behind him. "Not so fast, young'uns. There is more to come." Shadow whipped his head around to the source of the voice. A black octopus with a pirate hat and a hooked tentacle was watching him and Astoria. The octopus darted over to the entrance.

    46. "Thanks Shadow." Astoria thanked the black-furred otter before whipping her head around to face the direction where she heard the sound. "Guess we don't want to run into him," Astoria shivered slightly in fear. "There has to be another way out..."

    47. The octopus moved menacingly towards Shadow. Shadow immediately bolted, heading up the stairs of the ship and onto the deck. He then dived overboard and poked his head up to watch. "Did Astoria even follow me..?"

    48. Astoria watched as the octopus nearly got at Shadow. Thinking that the octopus might try and get at her too, Astoria swiftly bolted after Shadow, chest heaving. "This ship must be his!" Astoria said between pants. "I think we better scoot while we can, and inform the brigade about this."

    49. "In case I must remind you, the entire brigade is petrified." Shadow bolted over to the camp, looking about.

    50. "Right." Astoria replied. "Maybe of we can get the ship to implode, we can trap that creepy octopus in there?"

    51. (Ok good. Say, do you want to do a Battledome match with me? I don't really want to comment asking if anyone wants to and nobody replies, so)

      "I like that idea, I don't think that octopus is friendly. We can either chuck a bunch of whirlpearls at it, or we can have a bit of fun..." Shadow said that last part with a grin. "What materials do I have in my stock? If I don't have any explosives in it, I bet the Scrapper store-room has some."

    52. ((Yea sure. And sorry for my late replies, i was kinda having exams so...))

      "Shall we raid it?" Astoria asked, a cheeky grin spreading across her face.

    53. "Why, yes, of course. And perhaps we can find something that will help unfreeze our brigade while we're at it." Shadow swam off towards his forge.

      "Hmm.." he said as he got there and looked through his stuff. "I have some gunpowder, lots of metal, let's look over here.." He then bustled over to the storerooms of the Brigade. "Aha! Lots of weapons, explosives, nets, fish.. Now when ought we start?"

    54. Astoria took a quick glance at the sunken ship, and thought she saw a shadowy figure dart across it. Gulping, she said, "I think we'd better start now, before it's too late. How can I help?"

    55. (Should we invite Tide over?)

      "You can.. You know what, help me make this, will ya?" Shadow darted around and picked up a few ingredients. "T His is the formula for a basic explosive, fairly easy to make, hard to screw up. Make a few of these." Shadow then darted over to his forge carrying a bunch of other materials for a few other things.

    56. (Mhm. Sounds like a great idea!)

      Astoria took the formula sheet from shadow's paws. "Right, I'll get to it. I'm not used to things like this, but I guess it's worth a shot eh?"

      She carefully read the instructions on the formula sheet. Gunpowder, whirlpearl, she knew where to get those. She swiftly swam over to the brigade's whirlpearl collection to grab some for the explosive.

    57. Shadow got to his forge and tried working on something else. "Gunpowder, this, that hmm, mhm.." He started messing around with a fuse and a distance thing, just to be safe.

    58. Astoria grabbed a pestle and mortar like the sheet said, and started grinding the whirlpearl into a fine powder. She did it slowly and carefully, afraid that the whirlpearl may suddenly just explode.

    59. "Let's see here," he said as he flipped open an instruction manual. "Five ounces of gunpowder, encased whirlpearl, Essence of Jellyfish, and you also want a lightning rod and a streamlined current, mhm.." He started making a round case that one could put a whirlpearl in. "They don't explode in a case till electrocuted, yup, thankfully," he mumbled to himself as he got to work. He started getting bored, so he flipped open his book to a random page and started reading.

      "Lore," it read. Joy. "Legend says that Pirate Octobeard stole a legendary artifact that has mystical powers.." "Eh," Shadow thought aloud. "I believe you, most definitely," he added in a sarcastic voice. "I have better things to do with my time."

    60. Astoria was so focused on grinding the whirlpearl that she didn't hear Shadow speak. Later, after she finished grinding the whirlpearl, she thought she heard him mumble something. Snapping to her senses, she asked, "sorry, were you talking to me? Oh, and do you have a can of some sort in which I can put the gunpowder and grinded whirlpearl in?"

    61. (Doing school things, why I haven't replied)

      Shadow turned in Astoria's direction. "I was just talking to myself, but sure, I can make you a can for that." He swam over to his material stores, got some scrap metal, and started working on it, while also adding ingredients into a metal case for what he was working on.

    62. (I see. I understand.)

      "Thanks!" Astoria said before swimming down to the bottom of the brigade to pull out some seaweed. That should be the last ingredient she has to add, along with an unlit spark. But where is she supposed to get that?

    63. Shadow had just finished making what he was working on when he heard her talking to herself. He swam over and looked over her shoulder. "An unlit spark is either poetic for some sort of romantic thing, or it's a type of short fuse. I might have some."

    64. "You might be right." Astoria replied, before looking at the recipe again. "Hey Shadow, it says that tge seaweed must be is that even possible down here?"

    65. (Sorry about the inactivity here)

      "Hmm," Shadow said. "THey might mean dried as in no saltwater in it, I've seen that before. How about I take it up to my forge and dry it out, then give it some freshwater. I'm certain I have some."

  12. Lance quietly swam into the Army Camp, scanning the area through crimson eyes. He had recently been recruited and wanted to get to know the area. "So this is the Brigade's camp," he mused to himself. A grin stretched across his snout as he noticed the Battledome Arena, and he slowly propelled himself in its direction with his tail, taking in his surroundings. "This should be interesting."

    1. Flora saw Lance and swam to him. "Hi!" she said

  13. Tide shuffled into camp, darting in a side to side motion, hiding in the nearest seaweed patches and corals, making sure no one saw her. She didn't like to be confronted, whether good or bad. Slowly she stopped darting and calmed down, swimming in a more relaxed motion. She looked around and smiled. "Wow", she whispered to herself. " I guess this is it."

    1. ((Hey tide, wanna join shadow and my plot?))

    2. (Hmm, maybe, schools just started for me so its kinda busy.)

    3. ((I understand. Feel free to join us anytime when you feel comfortable.))
