You pose beside the rocks, chatting with the other soldiers. Your conversation is interrupted when you notice a scruffy penguin (that looked like he hadn't eaten in days) stumble into camp and begin talking to the Kelpian captain. You all watch as the penguin, despite his haggardly appearance, clears his throats, straightens up his back, unrolls the parchment and reads it like he was sent by a king of a faraway land.
He began speaking, but you couldn't hear his words. He talked for about 2 minutes, bowed his head, and rolled up the parchment. He was about to leave camp, when the captain sent a soldier to escort him away. How important was this penguin that he was given an escort?
Before you can ask questions to the other soldiers, the captain swims over to you. "Her highness the admiral has sent a messenger from the high order of the battalion." she announces. So that's who that penguin was.

"There have been phantoms spotted in the eastern seas, as well as large, mysterious slingshots made out of coral, that surely were not crafted by the phantoms. She has requested several soldiers of the brigade to check it out, and I am passing the task to you lot." Before you can say you'll go or not, she thrusts a map into your flippers and points her trident to a large circled out area. "They were spotted around that area. Now hurry over there, every second you stay here is another second the phantoms are using to travel towards us." she barked. You can't say no that, mostly because she had already swam away before you could say anything.
You duck behind the rocks and watch as the phantoms swim around in a circular formation. You can see the large coral slingshots that the captain told you about jammed in the rocks - you wonder what they're for and who made them. But for now, you best be focusing on the phantoms. You watch as a phantom looks straight in your direction and begins charging towards you. CHARGE!
To participate in this quest, begin your roleplay by commenting below.
Please do not write a lot in your comment, as hits, misses, and other random events are decided randomly by a blog moderator.
You duck behind the rocks and watch as the phantoms swim around in a circular formation. You can see the large coral slingshots that the captain told you about jammed in the rocks - you wonder what they're for and who made them. But for now, you best be focusing on the phantoms. You watch as a phantom looks straight in your direction and begins charging towards you. CHARGE!
To participate in this quest, begin your roleplay by commenting below.
Please do not write a lot in your comment, as hits, misses, and other random events are decided randomly by a blog moderator.
Quest Stats
Goal: Fight the phantoms and destroy the slingshots
Reward: 15XP, 400 Gems (15XP Bonus)
Seafoam grabbed the phanthom in her jaws.
ReplyDeleteShe pulled it into a thicket of coral.
pins the phanthom with trident poking into its eye so it couldn't see right
"wrap your tail around it so It cant see rivertron!"
:looks into handbag (NOT A SACHEL!) for some reason:
Your trident misses the target and impales the coral behind it instead. As you attempt to yank your weapon out of the coral, the phantoms wriggles out of your grasp and slaps you with its tentacles, shocking you and stunning you.
Deleteshivers in pain and lets out a surprisingly loud shriek in fear hoping to surprise the phanthom into getting back and hopes/ pet will help. she let out a angry glare and shakily grabs trident tugging on it tail lashing keeping eyes on phanthom so it cant surprise again. tries to free trident again
Delete(please try and roleplay in 3rd person)
DeleteTaken aback by your scream, the phantom jumped backwards, only to crash into the rocks. It exploded and materialized into brown dust. You smirked at its embarrassing death and began wiggling your trident out of the coral branch. With a heave, the trident is yanked out of the branch. However, you accidentally pull yourself backwards and crash against the rocks.
Seafoam swam out and stabbed a phanthom with her trident. she twisted and attempted to kill it.
DeleteThe phantom put forth no effort to stop you and accepted its death. It exploded into a brown cloud of smoke. You look around and see the huge coral slingshots lodged in the rocks. Fiddling around in your handbag, you pull out a whirlpearl and decide to use the slingshot to your advantage.
DeleteSeafoam saw a phanthom nearby, and decided to aim twords it, when she saw more slingshots, she aimed for that instead. she kept her trident twords the phanthom
DeleteYou begin swimming towards the slingshot and sit next to it. You pull the whirlpearl into the sling and aim it towards the phantom, following your path up the rocks. You get ready to catapult it towards the enemy.
Deleteshe decided that the whirlpearl was more important to keep. instead she stabbed the phanthom with her trident and then the slingshot.
Deleteif phanthom is missed will let out a snarl
You angrily stab the phantom with your trident, just missing its core. You instead sever off one of its legs and watch as it screeches in pain and lurches backwards.
Deleteafter seafoam got a leg, she STRANGELY took a sharp piece of glass out of her handbag and stabbed it into the phanthoms eye. then she pulled it in again and stabbed the phanthom again
DeleteAgonized, the phantom fell forward in weakness and combusted into brown smoke. You wipe the sweat off your face in relief and turn around to see a sea turtle in lionfish armor, similar to your own, pull out a whirlpearl and put it into the slingshot's hold. They begin aiming it towards the battle in the middle of the cove, and yell at them to thank them for their help. However, when they hear you, they immediately turn the slingshot in your direction and aim towards you.
DeleteWhen Seafoam realized it was aiming for her, she stabbed it, trapping it in the crevice between two spear areas in her trident by the neack. she grabbed the whirlpearl from its fins
DeleteYou take the whirlpearl and stuffed it in your satchel for safe keeping. "Who are you?", you yell angrily at the turtle. It didn't speak, and instead looked at you, shaken. Hurriedly, it threw a whirlpearl at your trident and cracked one of the spears off of it. In the confusion, it slipped out of your grasp and swam away.
DeleteYOU GOT: Whirlpearl
Your trident has been damaged to 2/3 of its durability. You can repair it if a blacksmith joins the quest or the blacksmith is present after the fight.
enraged, she said
Delete"Yea! Flee You Coward!"
Seafoam destroyed the slingshot with her trident,and took a piece of the coral from it. she then threw it at another slingsot
You snag a piece of coral off the slingshot and begin swimming alongside the rocks. You see a bunch of soldiers swinging their tridents into the side of a slingshot, in an attempt to destroy it, and decide to help them.
DeleteYOU GOT: Coral Tube
notices it was on sand, and uses a sea sponge from the coral, digging. digs it out dislodging it.
Deleteseafoam then looked for phanthoms.
The large coral structure keeled over and crashed against the rocks. You're about to dive back into the thick of battle when you hear a voice from behind you. Two turtles armed with lionfish armor and tribal spears began rushing towards you, shouting inconceivable phrases at you in a language you've never heard before. You raise your trident and are about to begin fighting.
Deleteshe grasped her trident and saw a phanthom behind self, flinging it twords them, hoping for the smoke to surprise them.
DeleteThe phantom crashed into the soldier on the left, blowing him backwards. The other soldier did not hesitate after the fate of his partner, and instead raises his spear and rushed towards you, about to bring it down on your head.
DeleteSeafoam Quickly Swirved Underneath The turtle and stabbed it under the shell.
DeleteYour trident made a long, bloody scratch on the underside of the turtle. He recoiled and crumpled to the ground, moaning in agony. The phantom that you had thrown against them before began swimming towards you and slapped you with its tentacles, electrocuting you.
DeleteSeafoam wailed in agony at the pain and snarled angrily, turning
Deletetwords the phanthom, and she then stabbed the phanthom in the head, and quickly swam down. she severed a arm and stuffed it into the wound in the turtle, then stabs the trident into the turtles fin with the phanthom on it.
The phantom screamed and fell backwards, crashing into the rocks and evaporating into brown smoke. You take the severed arm and slapped the turtle with it. The soldier cringed in pain and rolled off the rocks and into the dark abyss below, blood staining the water.
DeleteYou rush forward and are about to sneak up on some phantoms when your satchel gets caught on a piece of coral.
seafoam quickly ordered rivertron to wrap around the phanthom while she unhooked her satchel.
DeleteRivertron rushes forward and whirs around the phantom. In confusion, it follows around Rivertron, swiveling around until it gets so dizzy that it crashes into a rock and combusts. You yank your satchel out of the coral and fall forward. In your haste, a whirlpearl falls out of your satchel and drifts into the abyss below.
Deleteshe quickly swam into the abyss, and tried to flick it up into a phanthom.
DeleteYou tried diving to catch it, but the whirlpearl was long gone into the depths below. Rivertron swims to your side and toots out a cloud of bubbles in an attempt to warn you. Another turtle begins rushing towards you, raising its spear. It's about to attack when it hears a loud crumbling sound coming from behind. You both turn to see the final coral slingshot crumbling to the ground, and a group of Bottlenose soldiers cheering in victory.
DeleteThe turtles began to flee from the battle, their defenses being destroyed. In unison, the phantoms began escaping the ravaged aftermath and swam away into the sea. "Our work here is done. Soldiers, back to camp!", you hear the Aquian captain yell. You swim off to the base camp along with the other soldiers, whinnying in celebration.
• Quest Completed •
Reward: 400 Gems
Items Collected: Whirlpearl, Coral Tube
Items Broken: Trident (2/3 Broken)
Seafoam has gained 15XP.
15XP remaining until level 3.
Shadow found a wall to stand by, waiting for a phantom to come close so he could smash it into the rock with his hammer.
ReplyDeleteYou hear buzzing as a phantom approaches you, however, it doesn't seem to see you. You lift your trident silently, ready to strike.
Delete(I would suggest joining Beta's/Marina's roleplay chain to make it easier on both of you)
Yegg was charging before it was cool (hipster persona)
ReplyDeleteYegg backed against the wall, his shield held in front of his stomach and his flipper on the handle of his cutlass, ready to strike. He looked forward and saw a phantom obliviously swimming around the bend.
Delete(Also, just so you know, any buffing abilities, like Seahorse Song, can be used on yourself)
Yegg decides to Use seahorse song on himself. Mentally preparing for the right moment to strike.
ReplyDelete(Please keep it in one replying chain)
DeleteYegg used his powers to generate a swirl of seahorse silhouettes around him. They swam around and breathed bubbles on him, and he felt himself become seemingly lighter. His dodge boosted sharply right before the silhouettes disappeared and the nearby phantom noticed him and began swimming towards him.
The effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 10 turns.
(coulda sworn that i hit reply. oh well. also how many turns until i can seahorse song again.)
DeleteYegg swims up to the phantom and attempts to strike it.
DeleteYegg swam up to the phantom and lifted his cutlass. He lifted it high and struck it down on the phantom, severing one of its legs.
Yegg enters a brief state of ''omg i actually hit it'' then strikes once more
ReplyDelete(Keep it to one chain please)
DeleteYegg quickly turned around and swiped his cutlass on the phantom again, this time landing it straight on its head. The phantom materialized into brown smoke and disappeared, leaving a thing, purple residue on Yegg's cutlass. He looked to the right and decided to begin swimming towards the main battlefield.
The effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 8 turns.
( I swear I'm hitting reply. Must be a bug or something) yegg tracks down another phantom and begins slashing it
DeleteThe blue penguin quickly positions the cutlass firmly in between his flippers, lifts it above his head, and brings it down on the phantom, landing a critical hit and killing it instantly. However, another phantom quickly swims towards him and lifts its arms up. Yegg swiftly repels his borders and slashes the phantom, before it slams its arms down on his back, electrocuting him.
DeleteThe effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 7 turns.
Yegg is shocked but keep on going. Yegg slashes the phantom. retaliation on his mind
DeleteYegg quickly strikes at the phantom again, but it dodges out of the way quickly. It turns and laughs at Yegg's mistake, but ends up crashing into the rocks and exploding. Another two phantoms quickly swim up to Yegg, ready to fight.
DeleteThe effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 6 turns.
Yegg says ''Flip it. time to use a whirlpearl'' and promptly uses one
DeleteThe blue penguin takes out a whirlpearl and uses his shield to bat it towards the phantoms. It explodes against the rocks and blows up one of the phantoms instantly, but the other one had swerved out of the way.
DeleteThe effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 5 turns.
Yegg decides that one is good 'nuff. And he attempts to attack the remaining phantom
ReplyDeleteYegg swirls around and slashes the last phantom with his cutlass, causing it to implode. He looks up and sees the large coral slingshots sticking out of the rocks, and decides to go and shoot some whirlpearls off of them.
DeleteYegg swims up and spots a phantom as well as a bag of whirlpearls. he use a whirl pearl from the bag and uses the sling shot to hit the phantom
DeleteYegg quickly loaded the whirlpearl he picked up into the towering weapon and pulled it back. He released it, shooting it in the direction of a phantom, killing it upon impact. The officer prepared to shoot off another whirlpearl, but he turned as he heard yelling. He saw a turtle, decked out in lionfish armor and body paint, following Yegg up the rocks with a spear. He began yelling indecipherable gibberish at the penguin, his spear at the ready.
DeleteYegg assumes its one of the illuka and decided to attack it.
DeleteYegg dove at the soldier and slashed its fin with his epee. It didn't make that large of a cut and it appeared to barely phase the soldier. He yelled in what sounded like a different language and slashed Yegg's back with his tribal spear.
DeleteYegg Screams for help and puts up a defensive stance
DeleteYegg quickly put up his shield and rummaged around his satchel for anything useful, as the soldier began to blindly swing at the shield.
DeleteThe effects of Seahorse Song will wear off in 1 turn.
Yegg's pet. rolly max arrives just in time to help and stuns the opposer
DeleteRollymax quickly swims over to the soldier and wraps its tentacles around its fin. It proceeds to electrocute the soldier, stunning him as he jolts backwards and cries out in pain. As Yegg felt his normal weight begin to return and his litheness leave his body, he began to scramble upward to fight again.
DeleteThe effects of Seahorse Song have worn off. Dodge has returned to normal.
Yegg takes this window of time to attempt to Finnish off the attacker.
DeleteThe officer grabs his cutlass and slashes the soldier's fin open, causing it to open a wound and start bleeding. Rollymax releases his hold on the soldier and lets him fall down, cringing in agony. Before Yegg can gloat over his victory, he looks and sees two large turtles with spiky fin pads swimming towards him.
DeleteIrene ducks behind a rock and prepares her cutlass, before jumping out and aiming at the phantom's eye.
ReplyDeleteThe dolphin rolled out from her hiding place and quickly stabbed the phantom in the side of its head with her cutlass. It jumped backward before spinning around and slapping her across the face with one of its tentacles.
Delete(TIP: To make the quest go faster, you can join any active comment chain on this page. Just read up the comment chain to see what you missed. Yegg's chain is open)
Irene was slapped a few feet and minorly hurt, but regained composure, and zig-zagged towards the phantom with her weapon, trying not to be attacked by the others.
ReplyDeleteIrene flipped around and slashed the phantom once more with her cutlass, finishing it off as it exploded into a cloud of brown smoke. She turned and began to swim into the thicker battle.
DeleteIrene spun around with her cutlass, swiping at multiple phantoms, trying her best. She managed to injure one pretty bad.
DeleteIn a flurry of blind swiping, the healer managed to sever the arm of one phantom. It screeches in pain before charging up its tentacles and slapping them onto the dolphin, electrocuting her and stunning her.
Delete(am I allowed to use my pet anglerfish on this quest?) Irene was taken aback by the sudden damage and weakly got up again, finally killing the phantom. She hid behind the slingshots to recover and had a plan...
DeleteDakota quickly swam to the aid of Irene and the healer.
Delete(Yes, if you have a pet you can use them and give them commands at any time during roleplay, unless they're in a pet sanctuary or something)
DeleteAs Irene slashed the phantom once more, causing it to implode on itself, she quickly scurried away to hide behind one of the large slingshots. An Aquian soldier, Dakota, came and perched next to her, trident poised and ready to fight.
Irene looked up to see the slingshot, and had an idea. She rummaged around in her satchel and found a few whirlpearls. She looked over to the battlefield and decided she may be able to use the slingshots to her advantage.
Yegg saw the dolphin as he was chased by the opposer and decided strength in numbers. So he swam near her as he cast seahorse song on himself
Delete(What's this? 3 people in a roleplay chain at once, working together like intended? I can't believe it!)
DeleteThe officer rolled and hid next to the duo, who was crouched against the slingshot and getting ready to use the slingshots. He quickly used Seahorse Song on himself, summoning a flurry of seahorse silhouettes around him. They danced around him and blew bubbles at him before disappearing. He suddenly felt a hunger for battle resonate inside him as his attack was raised.
TIP: If possible, use your buffs on more damage-oriented characters such as soldiers or scrappers so that you can make quick work of your enemies.
Yegg, now grouped up with the others decided to take on those illuka
DeleteYegg turned to see two turtles in lionfish armour, their fins painted with stripes of body paint, coming towards the group, wielding spears. He put up his shield and took out his cutlass, ready to engage. He nodded at Dakota and Irene to give them the okay to use the slingshot as he was ready to attack the turtles.
DeleteYegg Decided to strike the turtles with a shield bash. as he attempted to slash the other one
DeleteYegg surged forward, smashing the first soldier with his shield. It knocked the soldier back a little bit, stunning him suddenly. He then whipped around and slashed his cutlass in the direction of the turtle, but he narrowly missed the top of his head.
DeleteYegg sighed. ''Just my luck'', As he attempts to slash at the not stunned soldier with a focused slash, Forcing his cutlass deep within the shell
DeleteStuck in the mess, Irene quickly regrouped her senses and called to her anglerfish, commanding him to attack the soldiers with Yegg. She also launched a whirlpearl in the soldiers' direction, hoping it would distract or damage them
DeleteYegg quickly took his blade and stabbed it directly in the soldier's shell. It cringed in agony and dropped its spear as it fell to the rocks. The officer put up one of his feet on the shell and kicked off as he yanked the weapon out.
DeleteIrene called out to her anglerfish, Riverpotamus, who quickly rushed to her attention. The anglerfish quickly nodded at the command and swam up to the stunned soldier, opening its jaws and chomping down on its fin. In the commotion, Irene grabbed a whirlpearl and blindly tossed it towards the soldier, grabbing another one to use with the slingshot.
Irene pulled it back, trying to miss her allies. "C'mon, c'mon you healer! Do it, do it!"
DeleteYegg looks around to see what he can do next
DeleteIrene placed the whirlpearl into the slingshot and pulled it back. She released it, rocketing it off into the center of the battlefield. She heard it explode, followed by the screams of several phantoms. She grabbed another whirlpearl, ready to reload as Yegg fought off the soldiers.
DeleteYegg looked to the right to see two large turtles wearing body paint and sharp fin pads. He readied his cutlass to attack.
Irene quickly aimed the whirlpearl and messily shot, distracted by the turtles. She took her cutlass and prepared to speak to them, but cautious as well.
DeleteYegg puts up his guard and charges the turtles in a blood rushed-frenzy
DeleteDakota swam away from Irene to Yegg and faced the turtles.
DeleteThe healer hastily shot the whirlpearl off into the distance before scrambling backward, her sword out and ready to attack the opposers.
DeleteYegg quickly raised his shield and dove in between them, striking the one on the left across the belly and listening to its cry of agony as it retorted by quickly slapping Yegg's rib with its spiky fin pad, drawing a small bit of blood.
The Aquian soldier who had been holding backward, waiting for the right time to strike, suddenly surged forward and slammed the butt of her trident into the face of the turtle on the right, temporarily stunning him.
The effects of Seahorse Song will wear off for Yegg in 5 turns.
(sorry I forgot to count)
Irene hastily attacked the turtles, drawing a bit of blood and rushing to the soldiers' sides, ready to bring out her bandages and abilities if needed.
DeleteDakota turned around, mesmerized, having never been a soldier before, by the turtles and the phantoms, that she dropped her trident.
DeleteYegg slashes at the turtles mercilessly.
Delete(guess who's back back again)
DeleteIrene grasped her cutlass and slashed the turtle on the right in the face, drawing a small bit of blood and forming a small cut on his cheek. She quickly rushed behind the duo to avoid any further damage.
Yegg whipped out his cutlass and shield and dove down. He slashed a long and deep gash in the left turtle's shoulder and then smacked it in the face with his shield. The turtle fell to the ground and struggled to get up, his wound bleeding violently.
Dakota quickly bent down to pick up her trident, but looked up to see the right turtle bring one of its spiky fin pads down on her back. She yelled out in pain and tumbled away from the trident.
You are now bleeding. You will pass out in 10 turns if the wound is not treated. It can be treated with a bandage, an antidote, or any healing abilities.
The effects of Seahorse Song will wear off for Yegg in 4 turns.
Astoria did a backflip upon seeing the phantom. She was excited, finally being able to do some fighting. Hastily, she flipped through her spellbook and fired a spell at the approaching phantom.
ReplyDeleteThe nautilus shell on the end of Astoria's wand lit up and a surge of power shot forward, zapping the phantom and knocking it backwards. It shook its head around wildly and leaped on top of the dolphin, zapping her with its tentacles.
Delete((Sorry i couldn't reply yesterday cerise. I got hot by a softball bat and am now recovering from a swollen eye.))
DeleteAstoria briefly recoiled from thr zaps of the phantom, shaking her head to focus. Seeing that the phantom was too close for a ranged shot, she raised her nautilus wand, wildly whaking at the phantom while zig zagging to shake it off.
A burst of light shot out of the wand and knocked the phantom backward. It fell in on itself and burst into a puff of brown smoke. Astoria looked around and saw another group of phantoms ganging up on another soldier.
Delete(Psst cerise, is my previous comment published?)
Delete(I don't know what previous comment you're talking about.)
DeleteAstoria felt a surge of determination rush through her. She can't let that soldier suffer! She threw a whirlpearl at the group of phantoms and raised her wand to fire at any phantom who survived the blast of the whirlpearl.
DeleteAstoria winded up and tossed the whirlpearl into the group. It exploded on impact and Astoria saw the soldier swimming away from the blast. The three phantoms were knocked backwards and one of them burst instantly. The remaining two were knocked against the rocks, badly damaged but still kicking. They both angrily turned to Astoria and began to move towards her.
Delete"Oh no you don't," Astoria muttered under her breath. Waving her wand in a complicated pattern, she fired a spell at each of the remaining phantoms.
DeleteThe blast crashed into one phantom and immediately blew it up. The blast ricocheted away and came into contact with one of the huge coral slingshots lodged in the rocks, causing one of the fork pieces to fall off. The other phantom charges up and slams its electrified tentacles into Astoria's back.
DeleteAstoria howled in pain, recoiling from the more painful zap. Despite the pain she was enduring, she mustered enough strength to fire another spell at the phantom who attacked her.
DeleteThe mystic struggled to murmur the incantation for the spell, but the wand fizzled out. The phantom lifted up its arms and was about to bring them crashing down. All of it sudden, it burst into a cloud of smoke. Astoria looked up to see the soldier from earlier holding his trident in the spot where the phantom used to be. Before she could say anything, he swam in the other direction to join the fight.
Delete"Wait!" Astoria yelled to the soldier. "You sure you're alright?" Astoria seam towards the soldier.
Delete((Oh Cerise, what kind of spells can I cast?))
(Mostly just regular magic attacks. The special stuff is what your abilities like Mojo Blast are for.)
DeleteAstoria swam after him until a shadow loomed over her. She looked up to see the large coral slingshot she had accidentally hit earlier. Perhaps she should try and finish the job.
Changing her mind, Astoria hid near the giant slingshot while keeping an eye out for any approaching phantoms.
DeleteThe mystic hid next to slingshot and took a deep breath to regain her energy. However, the moment didn't last, and she whipped her head around to see two armoured sea turtles with spears and paint covering their body approach her. They called out in a language she had never heard before.
DeleteAstoria fired a spell at the base of the slingshot, hoping to use the collapsing slingshot as a temporary distraction. Afterwards, she swum a little deeper and attempted to fire a spell at the turtles' underbelly.
DeleteWith a crackle of energy, the rest of the slingshot fell over and the turtles whipped around, shocked. Astoria quickly swam around them and shot a spell downward, hitting the ground and knocking one off balance. The other quickly turned around and brought its spear down on her back without hesitation.
DeleteAstoria howled in extreme pain, eecoiling from the attack on her back. Taking a quick breath, she whirled around, muttered an incantation and jammed her nautilus wand at the belly of the turtle that attacked her.
Delete((Cerise, is it possible for me to tell you what I want the spells to do? E.g stun, confuse etc.))
(Yeah, but until you upgrade your spellbook you can only have about 4 custom spells)
DeleteThe spell shot forward and hit her attacker in the belly, knocking him backwards into the slingshot. The impact caused it to topple over, crushing him as he yelled out in pain. There wasn't time to celebrate, though, as the one that had previously been knocked away was getting back up.
((Oh, do I go to the upgrade shop to "register" the 4 custom spells?))
DeleteAstoria whirled around to face the other turtle. She whipped out her wand, muttered an incantation, and aimed directly at the turtle's eye and belly.
(The first 4 custom spells you use will be shown in your inventory page, and you can only get more slots by upgrading)
DeleteThe first blast nailed the soldier right in his face and knocked him backwards again. Instead of retaliating, he turned and swam away. Astoria turned and saw several soldiers and the Aquian captain hacking away the base of a slingshot. Maybe they could use some help.
((Eh? Can't really see it in the inventory page. All I ses is that I have a spellbook))
Delete"Stand back!" Astoria yelled at the soldiers hacking at the slingshot. She fired a strong spell at the base of the slingshot.
(You haven't used any custom spells yet. If you have and I didn't know it, tell me what it is but make the name pretty straightforward and explanatory)
DeleteThe wand charged up and a blast sprang forward. It absorbed into the slingshot's skeleton for a few seconds, and then the base suddenly blew up into many coral shards. The soldiers and captain swam in all directions before regrouping and heading back upwards to destroy the rest of them.
((1. Heal pulse. (Cures any bleeding, or injury of that sort.)
Delete2. Parastrike. (Paralyses target)
3. Confuse ray (copypasta from pokemom)
4. Teleport (teleports to a chosen location)
Hope these are alright.))
Astoria swam towards the slingshot and continued to fire spells at the slingshot.
(Heal pulse undermines the medicinal abilities given to healers so maybe swap that out. The other ones are fine but use them in severe moderation. But the range on teleportation cannot be very far.)
DeleteThe soldiers jabbed their tridents into the coral and chipped away piece by piece. Astoria fired small sparks at it until she heard movement behind her and turned to see another turtle soldier approaching, accompanied by two much larger turtles with spiky pads on their front fins.
((Alright. How does this set sound?
Delete1. Lullaby (makes target drowsy and causes the target to lull off after a few turns)
2. Para-strike (paralyses)
3. Confuse ray (confuses)
4. Poison-lash (poisons, does damage over time)
How often is "severe moderation" counted to be?))
Astoria quickly whirled around when she heard the noise. Not more turtles! She pulled out a whirlpearl threw it straightforward (but not hitting the turtles), and aimed a spell at the whirlpearl to create a distraction.
(Sounds good, though keep in mind they won't be as potent as actual abilities with those effects. Speaking of abilities, you still have Mojo Blast)
DeleteAstoria pulled a whirlpearl out of her satchel and tossed it up. She then took the wood end of her spear and slapped the whirlpearl off to the side. She quickly adjusted and shot a burst of energy at it, causing the whirlpearl to implode and loosen a large bush of coral sitting in a rock. One of the larger turtles swam over to it, but the other two continued moving up the rocks towards the group.
"Ugh, I can't handle 2 of those at once!" Astoria muttered, frustrated. She proceeded to use Mojo Blast on the approaching turtles, and waved her wand in a whip-like manner, launchinga poison lash at the turtles.
DeleteThe mystic raised her wand up, murmured an incantation and slammed it down on the ground. Mojo Blast exploded in a burst of lightning and hit both the targets, stunning them. The soldier, who was flimsier, was knocked backwards and slid down the rocks a bit, while the larger one only knelt down and groaned in pain.
DeleteAstoria lifted her wand and launched a volley of spells at the larger turtle. It was kneeling down, so she wanted it to stay down!
DeleteThe spell hit the turtle on its thick shell, but it seemed to have no effect, as he got back up and clambered up to where Astoria was holding them off. He raised one of his spiky fin pads and swung it around in one clean movement, slamming Astoria to the side and stunning her.
DeleteMojo Blast can be used again in 7 turns.
"Ouch!" Astoria howled in pain. Gritting her teeth, she attempted to fire a confuse ray at the bigger turtle.
DeleteAstoria staggered backwards and raised her wand, firing Confuse Ray at the turtle. It hit successfully and the turtle looked around in confusion. However, the moment didn't last, and the soldier knocked down earlier quickly appeared behind her and brought his spear down in a painful strike.
DeleteMojo Blast can be used again in 7 turns.
Confuse Ray can be used again in 9 turns.
((Uh, cerise, wouldn't the mojo blast countdown be 6 turns?))
Delete"Owwwwwww!" Astoria screamed in pain. It was one thing to take a blow from a spiky fin pad, but it was another thing to get stabbed by a spear! Grunting, she took careful aim at the turtle's fin, and aimed a spell at the part of its fin that was clutching the spear.
(Yes, but the main purpose of this roleplay is for me to put my own incompetence on display for everyone to see)
DeleteThe spell shot forward and exploded immediately, knocking the spear backwards. The close range caused Astoria to fall backwards. The soldier scrambled to get his spear and and looked up to see the other turtle still looking around in confusion.
Mojo Blast can be used again in 5 turns.
Confuse Ray can be used again in 8 turns.
((Nah, don't say that, you're doing great!))
DeleteAstoria followed through with the motion with a somersault, and fired a spell from under the turtle at its belly. Quickly, she swam closer to the breaking slingshot, planning to use it to her advantage later.
The spell shot forward and knocked the soldier backwards in a burst of energy. In a yell of pain, Astoria watched his body slide off the rocks and out of her line of sight. She scrambled backwards towards the slingshot, watching the large turtle begin to recover from his confusion.
DeleteMojo Blast can be used again in 4 turns.
Confuse Ray can be used again in 7 turns.
Astoria hid behind the slingshot, firing small blasts of magic at the slingshot, trying to chip some parts away to be flung at the bigger turtle.
DeleteAs the column of the slingshot grew thinner and thinner, the rest of the soldiers darted away. Astoria joined them and turned around just in time to see it fall over and crush the large turtle. The group looked upwards and saw one last slingshot standing. With just three soldiers hacking it down, they had been easily cornered by several turtle soldiers. The group quickly began to move.
DeleteMojo Blast can be used again in 3 turns.
Confuse Ray can be used again in 6 turns.
Astoria rushed over to the last slingshot, quietly swimming behind the turtle soldiers. She fired a spell at each of their (cough) behind, and darted under them, hoping to catch them by surprise.
DeleteThe spells shot off wildfire and managed to hit two of them. They bounced forwards and turned around. One of the other two that managed to avoid the spell swam up and stabbed Astoria in the fin with his spear. The other one prepared to attack, but was knocked backwards by a large Kelpian soldier.
Delete"It's just the fin..." Astoria thought. Besides, she had felt worse. Astoria muttered an incantation and fired a spell straight at her attacker's face.
DeleteThe spell hit the turtle right in the face and knocked him aside. Astoria jumped and turned around as she heard a loud commotion, only to see the Aquian captain severing the fin of a turtle soldier who was approaching her. She was grateful, but geez dude. The other two soldiers were still there, however, being cornered against the final coral slingshot.
DeleteMojo Blast can be used again in 1 turn.
Confuse Ray can be used again in 4 turns.
Astoria thanked the Aquian Captain, giving him a quick nod before swimming deeper and firing multiple spells at the base of the slingshot.
DeleteWhile two soldiers continued to duel with the turtles, everyone else continued to hack away at the slingshot. Suddenly, there was a loud creak and everyone shot out of the way as the slingshot toppled over and slid down the rocks, crashing and breaking the terrain as it went.
DeleteYou hear cheering from the other soldiers as the last slingshot slides from view. The turtles, panicking now that their defences had been destroyed, began to flee. Along with the remaining phantoms, they slid away into the sea.
"Our work here is done! Let's get back to camp!" The Aquian captain shouts above the din.
• Quest Completed •
Reward: 400 Gems
Items Collected: None
Items Broken: None
Items Expended: Whirlpearl (x2)
Astoria has gained 15XP.
Level up! Astoria has reached level 2.
You have unlocked the following abilities: Manipulation, Hoodoo Strike
BONUS XP! Astoria has gained 15XP. 30XP remaining until level 3. Astoria can now skip Quest #2.
Woo! Now only 1 quest to go until I can start doing stuff again.
DeleteAlso I suggest stocking up on bandages and antidotes since Quest 3 will have more difficult enemies (and a boss fight).
DeleteTide quickly swam away, swirling quickly in a few places before diving into the seaweed. She picked up as many sharp rocks she could find and shot one at the phantom, then swam away again to a coral slingshot and shot another at the phantom.
ReplyDeleteThe otter hurriedly picked up some rocks and pulled them back before releasing them in her slingshot, firing them at the closest phantom. It whirled around in shock and began to approach the seaweed. The otter stayed still, body lying against the rocks, hoping the enemy didn't see her.
DeleteTide quietly dug her body deeper into the sand and waited for the phantom to come closer to her so she could get a clear shot. She readied her slingshot, then got ready to flee if the phantom saw her.
DeleteWith a single movement, the phantom burst into a cloud of smoke as the rock hit it directly in the eye. She quickly darted off up the rocks, the large slingshots getting more focused in her sight.
DeleteShe quickly picked up a few more rocks and looked around, pulling the band on her slingshot. She slowly relaxed and let go of the band, but stayed watching for any more phantoms. Tide slowly swam up, out of her hiding spot. "Really? Was that it?" She whispered to herself.
DeleteShe continued to move slowly and cautiously up the rocks until she was fast approaching the nearest slingshot planted in the stone. There were several soldiers gathered around it, hacking at the base in an attempt to break it down. Maybe they could use some help.
DeleteTide swam to them, and grabbed the slingshot in her mouth and claws. She yanked it as hard as she could.
DeleteThe slingshot gripped in her teeth, Tide began to furiously rip and claw at the slowly withering base. In her focus, she heard movement coming from behind her.
DeleteTide jolted back and turned to the movement, instinctively pulling up her slingshot and taking rocks from the ground.
DeleteThe otter turned and prepared to strike with her weapon as she saw two turtles decked out in lionfish armour, spears, and tribal body paint begin to move up the rocks. As soon as they caught a glimpse of her and the soldiers, they quickened their pace and raised their spears in threat.
DeleteTide slowly backed up, and got ready to swim left away from them. She stared left and got her body ready, but instead, she swam right and swirled around them until the water became bubbly. Quickly, before the bubbles disappeared, she swam behind some large rocks.
DeleteOne of the two turtle soldiers was caught, looking around in disorientation. The other caught a glimpse and dashed towards the otter's hiding spot. He lifted up his spear and brought it down on Tide's head as she yelled out in pain.
DeleteTide yelped and stabbed the bottom of her slingshot into his head multiple times, followed by biting off a sharp piece of coral and using it as a blade.
DeleteThe soldier recoiled at the jabbing and threw the otter off in retaliation. He lifted his spear and jabbed it at her, narrowly missing, however, and hitting the large slingshot instead.
DeleteTide yelped as her slingshot slipped out of her claws. She quickly swam to get it and paddled away, bowling a whirlpearl at the soldier while swimming away.
DeleteThe otter dove and grabbed the slingshot. In one swift movement, she whirled around and shot a single whirlpearl forward. It hit the soldier smack in the head and he fell limp, clearing the path back to the large slingshot.
DeleteTide speeded towards the slingshot and grabbed it, then placed another whirlpearl into the turtle's shell.
Delete(I don't really know what you're trying to convey in this one)
DeleteThe soldiers continued to hack at the slingshot until it began to tip over. They all moved out of the way as it crashed into the ground and slid down the rocks. Tide watched as the group moved along towards th next slingshot.
(Oh sorry, I was tired and bored so I came here. Might be night drowsiness. I don't know what happened there either, lol)
DeleteTide followed them, pulling and ripping at the slingshot.
(Sometimes it's like that, it's okay)
DeleteOnly a few strikes in when Tide looked aside to see three phantoms looking up at her, beginning to move. She halted her movements and got ready to defend the rest of her team once more.
Pulling up sharp shattered coral pieces, she flung them at the phantoms.
DeleteThe pieces struck the phantom, halting its movements for a minute, before it began to speed back up the rock.
DeleteAs it got closer, she struck it again. When it halted she bit into it's tentacles, pulling backwards in an attempt to rip them out.
DeleteTide slammed it with the butt of her slingshot, but it did little damage. It whipped around and brought its tentacles down on her back, electrocuting and stunning her.
DeleteShe let out a yowl before swimming away and shooting few rocks at it.
DeleteThe final rock hit the phantom and it fell in on itself, exploding in a small burst. She looked around again to see another turtle, this one larger than the ones she had fought before and this time wielding spiky pads on its fins instead of a spear.
DeleteTide swam behind the turtle and swirled around it, rapid-firing rocks.
DeleteThe rocks seemed to do little to the hulking brute and he turned around. Noticing the otter, he lifted one of his spiky fins and swept it sideways, just narrowly missing the otter's head as she ducked to dodge.
DeleteTide went behind the turtle and lunged for it's head or neck.
DeleteThe otter swirled around and hopped onto its shell, gripping onto its neck in an attempt to put it into a chokehold. Its fins couldn't reach her, so she continued to try and strangle it while struggling to keep her foothold.
DeleteTide's hind legs batted against the slippery shell, and tried to dig her claws in.
DeleteThe otter heaved as she pulled backwards. The turtle coughed as it fell backwards, crashing against the ground behind it as it was temporarily stunned and stranded on its back. Tide pulled back and adjusted.
Delete(Hey, sorry about this, but I'm going to be quitting. Nobody's really active and I overall just don't have much time to roleplay here anymore. Again, sorry, I had fun while it lasted, though. Love <3)
Delete(That's fair, thanks for being here.)