Welcome to the crafting pit. Here, you can throw your items into the magical portal and watch them come out as a new item that could prove quite useful during your journey. You can look at the recipe book next to the monument to see a list of known item recipes, some of which appear to be written down by fellow Jammers. Many of the book's pages are torn out, but you might be able to find some of the missing pages and unlock secret recipes while you are out exploring. Don't be afraid to try out your own combinations, you might be able to find secret recipes and items!
To begin crafting, simply comment with the combination of items you want to craft together (2 - 4 items) and see what comes out!
You cannot un-craft items, so be sure that you really want to craft the items you're throwing in!
To begin crafting, simply comment with the combination of items you want to craft together (2 - 4 items) and see what comes out!
You cannot un-craft items, so be sure that you really want to craft the items you're throwing in!
Scrap Metal + Loose Rope + Arrowhead
Makeshift Harpoon
Description: A messily made harpoon with a long javelin attached by rope.
Stick + Loose Rope + Arrowhead
Tribal Spear
Description: A long stick with feathers and an arrowhead attached to the end.
Coral Tube + Belt
Basic Slingshot
Description: A small, hand-held slingshot which can be used to shoot rocks and other projectiles.
Stick + Loose Rope + Scrap Metal
Description: A pair of short axes with ropes messily tied around them.
Scrap Metal + Stick
Description: A small and short pair of knives with notches in them.
Stick + Dead Whirlpearl + Gnarly Root
Magic Whirlpearl Staff
Description: A wand with a vine wrapped around it and a dead whirlpearl fixed to the end, holding the staff's power.
Whirlpearl + Bag of Gunpowder
Whirlpearl Bomb
Description: A supercharged whirlpearl that has the ability to break through one obstruction in the environment before exploding, and produces an even bigger explosion than a normal whirlpearl.
(discovered by Cobaltblue8)
Conch Plating + Conch Plating + Large Conch
Conch Helmet
(discovered by Marina)
Description: A large upside-down conch reinforced by square plating. It`s worn on the head.
Cracked Sea Urchin Shell + Scrap Metal
Spiked Helmet
(discovered by Astoria)
Description: A circular metal helmet with long spikes sticking out of the top. Just try not to get it caught on anything.
Broken helmet + Scrap Metal
Reinforced Helmet
(discovered by Astoria)
Description: A classic metal helmet.
Scrap Metal + Whirlpearl + Loose Rope
Buoy Trap
Description: A whirlpearl reinforced with metal with a rope attached to it. It can be tied to the ground and explodes when an enemy comes into contact with it.
Glass Shard + Scrap Metal + Coral Tube
Basic Telescope
Description: A plain looking seeing scope with bronze lining.
Sea Glass + Scrap Metal + Coral Tube
Ornate Telescope
Description: A seeing scope with intricate patterns carved into the side and a lightly tinted lens.
Empty Pouch + Lemon Grass + Aroma Orchid
Packet of Incense
Description: A small bag stuffed with lemon grass and aroma orchid pollen. It lets off a sweet scent.
Empty Can + Glass Shard + Bioluminescent Coral
Makeshift Lantern
Description: A messily put together lantern with a cluster of bioluminescent coral floating in the middle to let off light.
Glass Shard + Rusty Bottle Cap + Coral Tube
Opaque Bottle
Description: A small container with cloudy glass.
(discovered by Izzycats06)
Whirlpearl + Antidote
Inverse Whirlpearl
Description: A whirlpearl infused with a healing residue that, instead of destroying the environment upon blowing up, will release a wave that heals all nearby allies.
(discovered by glamgirl808)
Broken Leather Watch + Beaded Bracelet
Charm of Time
Description: A charm with a small clock in it that, when used, resets the cooldown of one of your abilities or spells.
(discovered by Izzycats06)
Discarded Plushie + Feathers Of A Her...
... Doll
Part of this page has been torn out.
This recipe might be important. Maybe you should go look for the rest of the page!
Rusty Bottle Cap + Rusty Bottle Cap
Scrap Metal
Description: A rusty slab of old shrapnel metal with sharp edges.
(discovered by Cobaltblue8)
((What happened to all the old posts here Cerise?))
ReplyDeleteAstoria throws in the arrowhead, the round stone and the snail shell.
(I clear the comments on a post or page if there's too many, as it can stop new comments from appearing if it gets too full)
DeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
Perhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in conch plating, cracked sea urchin shell and sunray venus
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in broken leather watch and scrap metal
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in broken leather watch and sea glass
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in loose rope, scrap metal and round stone.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Shadow threw in an arrowhead and a glass shard.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in whirlpearl and broken leather watch
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in old helmet and scrap metal.
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYou decide to messily write down your recipe on a piece of paper and stick it in the recipe book for future reference.
YOU GOT: Reinforced Helmet
Astoria throws in Costate Horn Snail Shell, Ladder Horn Snail Shell, and conch plating.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in round stone ×2.
ReplyDelete((Cerise, whats the difference between the magic whirlpearl staff and my nautilus wand?))
(It has slightly better power and probably won't break as easy. The weapons and stuff you get in your starter packs are for exactly what they say they are, helping you start out, and thus aren't as powerful as other weapons.)
DeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
Perhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in costate horn snail shell and ladder horn snail shell ×2
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in coral tube + conch plating + large conch
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in conch plating + loose rope
ReplyDeleteAstoria throws in loose rope + belt
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in coral tube + belt
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Basic Slingshot
Shadow threw in a whirlpearl, scrap metal, and shiny ring.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
(Didn't I technically discover the Buoy Trap?)
Delete(I honest to God don't remember but I'll add you to it)
DeleteAstoria throws in dead whirlpearl + stick + gnarly root.
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Magic Whirlpearl Staff
Shadow threw in a broken helmet and a scrap metal
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Reinforced Helmet
Astoria throws in glass shard + sea glass ×2
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Shadow threw in Broken Leather Watch and Beaded Bracelet.
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Charm of Time
Astoria throws in coral tube, sea glass and scrap metal
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Ornate Telescope
Astoria throws in large conch ×2 and conch plating.
ReplyDeleteTide throws in conch plating and broken helmet.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in tattered fabric and loose rope.
ReplyDeleteAstoria throws in damaged kunai and scrap metal.
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYou decide to messily write down your recipe on a piece of paper and stick it in the recipe book for future reference.
YOU GOT: Reinforced Kunai
Tide throws in conch plating and whirlpearl.
ReplyDeleteAfter you toss in your items, you wait a minute. The portal gurgles a bit before spitting your items back up.
DeletePerhaps you should try adding or changing some items to your recipe
Astoria throws in rusty bottle cap ×2
ReplyDeleteYou toss in your items and wait for a minute. You wait anxiously until the portal makes an unusual noise and spits out your new crafted item!
DeleteYOU GOT: Scrap Metal