Monday, 11 July 2016

It's Voting Time!

Hello roleplayers! I will begin replying to comments sometime soon, but before I get on top of that, we have a few things to discuss and vote on.

Powers and Abilities
Whenever your character reaches a new level, they unlock new abilities and powers. However, as this roleplay progresses, we may run out of powers to add. So I'm coming to you - do you, as the roleplayers, have any ideas for new abilities or suggestions on how we can change and balance out already existing powers?
Leave your opinions and suggestions in the comments below.

Battledome Arena + Other Features
I recently introduced the feature of the Battledome Arena that allows you to do 1v1 player-vs-environment fights with NPC characters. I want to know what your opinion on it is so far. How many gems should it cost to do a Battledome match? How long should the match be (comment-wise)? Do you have any suggestions for enemy designs?
Leave your opinions and suggestions in the comments below.
And for the future, each enemy you defeat has a special prize they give that's "linked" to them in some way. For example, if you defeat Jasii Harper, a gladiator from Andesta, you'll win the Andesta Tiki Talisman. And each prize does indeed have a use in the roleplay, even if it's not specified. You'll find out what it is.

Beta Tester Pack
So I've had this roleplay for awhile now, and I think that it's well out of its Beta testing stage at this point - but for some reason, I'm still giving out the Beta Tester Pack. I think I need to stop distributing the pack, but here's the issue - everyone who has obtained the Beta Tester Pack thus far is 1 level higher than they're supposed to be, which totally knocks off the balance of the roleplay. So I have a few ideas for how we can balance this out:

1. We can knock everyone who got the Beta Tester pack down 1 level and change the amount of XP it takes to go through each level

2. We can knock everyone who got the Beta Tester Pack down by 15XP

Leave your opinions and votes in the comments below.