Friday, 27 May 2016

Quest #4: Journey Into The Menace

Hundreds of years ago, Jamaa had its first full-scale war against its enemy nation, the phantoms. The phantoms lived in the Underworld, a series of underground caves that spanned underneath the entirety of Jamaa, including its oceans. 
Back then, the phantoms were much more advanced than how they were now - they could walk on their tentacles like legs and grab things with their tentacles like arms. The phantoms spent years chewing away at the ceilings of the Underworld and tunnelling up onto the surface, where they planned to launch a devastating strike against Jamaa.
The first tunnel was dug through the tallest mountain in the land. When they made it to the top, the phantoms built an outpost filled with phantom pods at the top of it, which Jammers now know as the notorious Phantom Hive. The second tunnel was dug through the floor of the ocean and onto a small islet in the middle of the sea which remained uncharted for many years. From there, the phantoms built a small military base and began launching armed warships into the oceans towards Jamaa.
When word reached the government that phantoms were attacking, they travelled to other settlements and recruited the alphas into their ranks. The alphas each worked to maintain Jamaa's safety during the war, but they couldn't do it alone. Sir Gilbert and his brother Captain Melville drafted over 1,200 land animals and formed the Royal Jamaasian Navy and Military Strikeforce. But they soon learnt that land and naval forces were not enough. In a desperate attempt to save the land, 800 underwater animals stepped up to form an underwater alliance to fight off the phantom warships, and the alphas gladly accepted them. 
After months of nonstop war, countless lives taken, and hundreds of phantom warships sunk, the battle finally ended and the phantoms were cornered back into the Underworld (though some of them managed to stick around in the outskirts).
Although the majority of the phantom warships fell into the dark abyss of the ocean, never to be seen again, one of the king ships of the fleet, the Menace, fell into the dip that is Kani Cove. Ever since it sank, the Menace has been radiating an unusual green aura like that of ectoplasm, and it was welcomed as an attraction for tourists to view through a lookout based in Crystal Sands. However, certain Jammers visiting the observatory have reported hearing mysterious, blood-curdling screams coming from the inside of the ship, and some are even saying that the ghost of the great phantom general that sailed the Menace into battle, Captain Prestigio, has come back for his revenge.


"Alright soldiers, listen up!" Captain Kalei's voice boomed throughout the camp. The group of soldiers in front of her straightened up and saluted in a synchronised manner, and you do the same. "Everyone here knows about the first Jamaasian war, of course." She said, answered by a murmur of agreement. "In that war, hundreds of phantom warships sank in Jamaa's oceans, but those are not what we're talking about. Tell me, does "the Menace" ring a bell?" She asked, answered by a unanimous gasp of horror from the soldiers. "Mhm, I thought so."
"Our soldiers are about to go up against a great challenge. The Ilikua outpost that we raided recently was not the end of it. The turtles are hiding something - something big. A stronghold that they are using as their base of operations. We need to destroy it before they can do something major to Jamaa. This will be no easy feat." The Romantian captain announced.
"Kalei is right," Brutus says. "Admiral Venicia's scouts are on their way to search for the main base, but we have no updates from them as of now. While they are investigating, we need to prepare for battle. The Menace was presumably stocked with phantom weaponry and gear when it sank during the war. If we manage to find some of it, I believe we can use some of it for our upcoming battle."
There was a stretch of eerie silence among the soldiers until a Stygian soldier in the back row spoke up.
"Um, Cap'n, does this mean, uh, we will be going inside the Menace itself?"
"Yes, it does indeed."
There was a gasp of shock and a sudden outbreak of chatter.
"Stop worrying, you have all proven you are able soldiers. We don't recruit soldiers if we don't think they are adequate. You have liberated the Horseshoe Crossing of phantom sludge, you have raided an Ilikua outpost, I think you can handle some old phantom ship that doesn't even have anything dangerous in it."
"But, Captain, what about Captain Prestigio?"
"That's just an old myth. What are you, a bunch of babies? No. Even if that old spirit is around, we can kick him out of his ship with ease. Now who's ready?"
Unlike usual, there was a slight hint of hesitation in the soldiers' cheer of "excitement". You could tell that you were not the only one hindered by the thought of a spirit hiding out. But you gave yourself a rousing pep talk in your mind. You had been to the whirlpearl clam many times, you had run into the spirit there before, you can do anything!
"Let's go, then!" With that, the captains led you and the other soldiers out of camp.


The captains posed next to the ship's entrance, which had been broken down. Just like the legends had told, there was an unusual green aura glowing from the ship's belly. You lift your weapon, ready to fight.
"That won't be necessary." Captain Brutus says, glancing at you as you lower it. "There's nothing harmful in there, we won't need our weapons. Just go inside and take anything that you think you need."
With that, the captains swam inside the opening to the ship, followed by the troop of soldiers. You decide to follow them, and peer inside the ship. You see piles upon piles of ancient artefacts, storage crates, closed chests, trunks with clothing spilling out of them, and large structures with white cloths over them. You can see several doors near the end of the ship's belly, which presumably lead to other chambers. You swim inside and open your satchel, ready to start gathering materials.


Quest Stats
Goal: Explore the ship and gather items
Reward: 25XP, 500 Gems


  1. Shadow opened a chest. It was filled to the brim with metal and whirlpearls! He saw a couple feathers to, but he was interested in the metal, being a smith, and the whirlpearls.

    1. Shadow dove into the chest and pulled out two pieces of scrap metal. He tucked it in his satchel happily, and grabbed the whirlpearls to add in as well. However, he noticed that the whirlpearls had burnt out after being stuck in the ship's hold for hundreds of years. He decided to put them back and continue to explore the large chambers of the Menace.

    2. Shadow found a door. It appeared to be locked, so he went on to look at a cute coral garden.

    3. The dark-furred otter swam over to and closely examined a coral garden that was sticking out of a half broken pot. He was about to touch it to inspect it further until he noticed its stocks pulsating - disgusting. He instead went over to a pile of supply crates and decided to begin opening them.

    4. Shadow looked at a crate with at toxic symbol on it. He decided not to open it. Instead, he went over to a chest with some inky writing on it. He thought it said "Materials-Arrowheads, (blob of ink), s t y 9?" It was hard to see, but he opened it.

    5. The blacksmith took his wrench and used it to unscrew the lock on the chest, jimmying it open. He opened it up and peered inside to find a single arrowhead in the corner of the chest. He pushed it aside, only to have an anglerfish leap out from under it and grab onto Shadow's forearm. He quickly slapped it off, back into the chest, and shut it quickly, brushing the abrasion on his arm. He picked up the arrowhead and put it in his satchel.

      YOU GOT: Arrowhead

      Your inventory is getting full (36/40 items). Consider selling, trading, or crafting some items together to make more room. The more full your inventory is, the bigger chance you have of losing items.

    6. Shadow moved to an eel. It glowed, so Shadow opened a latch on its side to see what made it glow.

    7. The eel had been turned into a lamp, but it looked like it had been running for ages, as the end of it was mostly burnt out. Shadow peered inside of it and saw a thick, green residue floating inside, which also appeared to glow. Shadow looked around to see if there was anything he could use to harvest some of the acid.

    8. Shadow went to another container, the one labeled toxic. He opened it a crack and peered inside.

    9. Shadow looked inside of the crate, but saw nothing but a small, bright green proto-phantom ghost which backed up against the wall of the crate, afraid. Shadow kneeled in and picked it up and set it outside of the crate. "There you go, lil' guy." He said, accomplished, as the proto-phantom quickly swam away.

    10. Shadow opened a rather large crate. He looked inside, seeing a lot of cannonballs.

    11. Shadow's face lit up, excited to use these cannonballs for his work. He prepared to lift one up, but it wouldn't budge. "Hey, captain!" He called to Captain Brutus, who swam over. "Do you think we could use these?"
      The captain carefully examined the cannonballs and nodded. "I believe these would be useful for our fight against the Ilikua. Don't stress yourself, we can come back for them." Brutus said, and swam away.
      Shadow pushed aside a cannonball and found a small bag of gunpowder. He made sure nobody was looking before he took it and slipped it into his handbag.

      YOU GOT: Bag of Gunpowder

      Your inventory is getting full (36/40 items). Consider selling, trading, or crafting some items together to make more room. The more full your inventory is, the bigger chance you have of losing items.

    12. Shadow went over to an area where some Aquian soldiers were struggling to open a locked crate, attempting to bust it with their tridents. He took his wrench, undid the lock, and peered inside.

    13. (You might want to wait for Beta, she'll probably want to join the quest too :P)

      One of the soldiers looks at you and nods in thanks. They poke around with their tridents and pull out some items, which they then stuff into their bags and swim away. You peer in and see several spilled bags of what appears to be a mix of gunpowder and drugs. You look to the side and see a small, discarded plushie and decide to take it - it looks important.

      YOU GOT: Discarded Plushie

    14. (When will she be back?)

    15. ( I'm backkkkkkk)
      Marina wandered around the creaky sunken ship. She opened up a chest near the entrance, which happened to be filled with unique trinkets that must've belonged on the land. She dug threw the items, eventually finding herself a brilliant blue trident that was untouched. She swam to the next chest over and scooped up many whirlpearls and some bird feathers. Something rang a bell in her head. "I found a recipe sheet at Crayfish cove that said 'discarded plushie + feather of a he-..' Maybe this is the heron feather I need." She thought.
      She scooped it up and tossed it into her almost full satchel. She quickly checked the other chests and stuffed in some bent metal and broken rubber bands. She headed out before she got left behind.

    16. Shadow went over to a trunk labeled "Game." He was not sure if it meant board games or hunting game, but he looked inside.

    17. Marina eyed the blue trident, watching as it sparkles. She was ready to pick it up, but decided to come back to it later. She swam around and sifted through another chest, finding 3 whirlpearls and a bundle of blue feathers that closely resemble those of a heron. However, they appear to simply be bluebird feathers. Marina decides to leave the feathers, but take the whirlpearls.

      YOU GOT: Whirlpearl (x3)

      Meanwhile, Shadow swam over to the trunk that was labelled. He opened it up, only to find it was empty for everything except a small bundle of lemon grass.

      YOU GOT: Lemon Grass

      TIP: Beta, you can increase your inventory capacity by purchasing a satchel upgrade in the upgrade shop. The sale ends today.

    18. Shadow went over to another crate that said "Bed n ". He assumed it meant "Bedding". He opened it.

    19. Marina found that they weren't leaving quite yet. She rummaged through a chest at the back. Something sparkly glimmered from the bottom of the chest. (I got the satchel upgrade)

    20. (It doesn't say you did)

      Shadow pried open the chest, only to see that there was nothing inside except for a few ratty old sheets that were of no use. It seemed most of the chests had been picked over, so he decided it might be a good idea to check in one of the other holds, like the captain's cabin or the cellblock.

      Marina dug through the chest, but found that the sparkle she had noticed was nothing but a broken old sword. She looked at Shadow and decided to begin exploring.

    21. Shadow swam down to the cellblock. He found a bin that said "Remains". He didn't want to look in there, so he went to a crate labeled "Restraints." He opened.

    22. Shadow looked around the cellblock and saw a long hall with prison cells on adjacent sides. In some of the cells, there were skeletons hanging just out of the bars or chained to the walls. It creeped him out, so he stayed to the end and opened up a crate that said "Restraints". He looked inside and saw a belt, which he grabbed and hastily stuffed into his satchel.

      YOU GOT: Belt

    23. Marina dug through the old, creaky chests that were all over the ship. Nothing much came from the previous chests. The next chest she searched was filled with strange objects, she dug through to see them

    24. Marina sifted aside the objects until she finds a large hunk of metal which appeared to be a cannonball. She thinks it might be useful for their upcoming raid, so she takes it and stuffs it in her satchel with a great amount of effort. She looks to the side and sees a hall with several doors that presumably lead to other chambers.

      YOU GOT: Cannonball

    25. Marina stared at the massive doors. Old and cracked. She pushed the door on the left and peered in.

    26. Marina pushed open one of the doors and swam inside to see a series of bunk beds from the floor to the ceiling, some of which appeared to be moved around when the ship sunk. It looks like this is the crew's cabin. There are several chests with items spilling out of them, and you decide to go look in some of them.

    27. Marina casts her eyes onto a dark brown chest, with shells and whirlpearls spilling out. She opened it up finding a glowing object hidden underneath a pile of seaweed

    28. (Did I even comment? If I did, sorry) Shadow went to the locked door from before and screwed it open with his wrench. He entered, and saw a big pile of junk on the floor. He dug through it.

    29. Marina pushed the chest open and pushed aside some clumps of seaweed and debris, to see a small, glowing green key. Next to it is a small note written in smudged and messy ink, which Marina attempts to read.
      "If you are reading this, it is far too late. The soldiers have surrounded our ship and there is no more gunpowder left on board. All hope is lost, and the only thing that is left for us is the deep ocean.
      In case of emergency, this key opens the doors to Captain.... (the rest of the ink is smudged)
      Accepting death with open arms,
      Firstmate Maletov"
      You pick up the key and tuck it in a side-pocket of your satchel. It seems it will come in better use later. It seems there isn't much else in the crew's cabin except notes and journals left on their beds. Maybe they're worth looking at.

      Shadow went up to a door which was previously locked door and jammed it open with his wrench. The door fell off its hinges to reveal the ship's kitchen. Some of the cupboards are still open and appear to have things in them.

    30. Shadow went to a door labeled "S___es". He opened and looked inside.

    31. Shadow pushed the cupboard door open and noticed it was mostly empty, except for a single flash. The black-furred otter swept it out and into his satchel and decided to look at the other cupboards.

      YOU GOT: Antidote

    32. Marina opened the book, finding it to be in another ancient-looking language. The words were smeared, however. She was hesitant to put it in her satchel - it was getting full. She decided she'll throw some stuff out if she needed to.

    33. After digging through her satchel a bit, Marina found an empty space and forced the book inside. Perhaps it would have another use later. She looked around and saw a piece of parchment splayed on another one of the beds and decided to check it out.

      YOU GOT: Mysterious Phantoom Book

    34. (Got a satchel upgrade :D)
      Marina looked at the old torn up paper on the shell bed. She frowned as she saw smudged and blurred languages again. Despite the fact that she couldn't find anything of interest immediatly, she slipped it in between the book she found to prevent further damage.

    35. Shadow went to another cupboard and opened it.

    36. Marina took the note and tucked it inside the book she had picked up earlier so that she could examine it more closely later. She looked around a bit more, but didn't find anything else of interest. She decided to go and check the other compartments.

      YOU GOT: Mysterious Inscription

      The black-furred otter swam over a bit to find another cupboard on the wall. He opened it up to find a few pots and pans which were empty, except for a note in one of them. Although the writing was rather smudged, Shadow picked it up and read what he could.

      "To Ulysses,
      I need to talk to you alone. Meet me in the treasure hold, but make sure nobody is following you.

      Shadow tucked the note in his satchel and decided to check out the treasure hold for more clues.

      YOU GOT: Filus' Note

    37. Marina opened up an unlabeled chest, which revealed several more dusty books that seemed unimportant. She was about to leave it but she then saw a light blue glow at the bottom from the corner of her eye.
      "What's this..?"

    38. Marina pushed aside some books to see a small, blue glowing box in the corner of the chest. There was a small label on the side of it that read "FEATHERS". She opened up the box, but found nothing but a note. She picked it up and read the messy writing it had.


      That was all it said. She wonders what the writer meant by Elwood, and what or who Andesta was.
      Nonetheless, Marina left it behind and scanned the rest of the cabin. There seemed to be nothing of interest here, so Marina decided to check one of the other sections of the ship.

    39. Shadow went to another cupboard.

    40. (gahhh idk why the other comments aren't in this chain. You can delete them.)
      Marina slashed her trident immediately to her right, hearing something. She turned to see if was a pile of old cloths and rags. Her heart still racing, she wandered through the small room with various items scattered in the floor. She carefully examined the items on the floor. Most of them were shells and seaweed, but there were notes, books, and other things weaved in.

    41. Marina carefully wandered through the eerie space, her trident ready to attack. She pushed open a door on the floor, took a deep breath, and dove in. She looked around and gasped as she saw a large, grey polar bear digging through a chest with a hammer. "W-who are you?" You ask shakily.

      Shadow swims up to another cupboard and opens it up, but there doesn't seem to be anything in it. He takes the note he picked up earlier and decides that he might be able to find something in the treasure hold.

    42. Marina stared at the grey polar bear as he turned its head slowly, bubbles puffing out of its nose. "Who are YOU? And what are you doing in MY shop?!"
      Marina froze, stone-still, frightened of this large creature.
      "I-I thought.. Well.. I-"
      Marina just kept her mouth shut, seeing she couldn't speak anything but nonsense. The polar bear looked down at her, unamused.

    43. The polar bear moved up to her and looked her up and down. "Hey, I think I know you." She said, a thick Scottish accent in her voice. "What are you doing down here?"
      "I, well, I'm here, uhm, with the Bottlenose Brigade. You know, for, uhm, work." Marina said, her grip still on her trident and her voice trembling.
      "Well, I'm Hera. Nice to meet you, soldier." She said, extending a large paw. "I came down here to find some scrap for my newest project. Didn't think to see anyone. Do you need anything?"

    44. Marina was surprised by its friendliness. She held out her flipper and shook. "Well, I'm about to go on a big quest. Any tools, armor, notes or anything important I could use?"

    45. "Well, I suppose there is one thing you should know." Hera said, lowering her voice. "Y'know those screams the tourists reported? I've been hearing them coming from the captain's cabin. There's something in there, and it ain't happy."
      "Like what?" Marina said, still somewhat startled by this random encounter.
      "Definitely a ghost of some type. You're going to have to fight your way in if you want any chance in getting out alive. I've ran into some ghosts down here, and you can't fight 'em unless your weapons are tipped."

    46. "Oh wow.."
      Marina suddenly felt under prepared. She never had any ghost-fighting training of any sort.
      "Thank you, Hera."

    47. "No problem, kid." Hera said, getting ready to begin digging again. "I know where you can find some of the ghost tipping. The last person down here, they left a pot of it laying around in the treasure hold. Just dip your weapon in it and it should be fine."
      "Alright, thanks again. I'll see you around I suppose." Marina nodded in thanks, and began to swim away towards the treasure hold.

    48. Shadow went over to the treasure hold.

    49. The otter opened up the door that led back into the ship hallway and swam out. He looked around and noticed a small trapdoor on the floor. He jimmies the lock open with his wrench and swims inside to see many chests, most of which appear to be empty. He sees a staircase leading downward and hears eerie noises coming from below. He gets ready to dive downward, but decides it may be best to check the actual treasure part of the treasure hold first.

    50. Marina sea, to the treasure hold, seeing an open trapdoor. She looked down and called out "Hello?"
      Hello.. Hello. Hello.. It echoed back. She looked down and waited for a response.

    51. Marina swam down into the treasure hold, seeing a long staircase leading even deeper into the ship. She hears some unsettling noises coming from the staircase, and decides she may want to wait until she finds that ghost tipping. She looks around and sees Shadow digging in a chest, and decides she should go and pick through the treasure hold first.

    52. Marina swam beside Shadow and said hello before digging through a large chest.

    53. The soldier peered inside a large trunk, digging through it with her trident. She found a rolled up piece of parchment and took it in her fins. She unravelled it and saw that it was actually a map, but it appeared to be a map of the Jamaa rain forests - but what was it doing in a phantom ship? She decided to tuck it in her bag before looking for the ghost tipping.

      YOU GOT: Phantom Map

    54. (Wait did I even comment? I thought I did.) Shadow dug into a packed crate, looking for something useful.

    55. Shadow pushed aside the junk inside the box, his eye peeled for something of value. He saw a twinkle and pushed aside several bags of what was presumably drugs and other illegal substances. He found what he had noticed - a beautiful compass with rusty copper rimming. It looked like it still worked, too. Shadow, believing he would need it later, took it and tucked it in a side-pocket in his bag.

      YOU GOT: Antique Compass

    56. Marina figured she had enough for now. She decided to look out for ghosts. She stayed still as a statiue, listening carefully. A she heard an eerie creaking noise to the hall on the left. She held her trident tightly and slowly swam in.

    57. As Marina peered around the corner, she saw it - a bronze pot filled oozing over with a disgusting, neon green formula. It seemed to be making odd noises, like those of a ghost. Disturbed at the possible ingredients of this substance, she took her trident and swam closer. She perched next to the pot and dipped the spikes of the trident into it. She slowly pulled it out, recoiling at the sickly green hue of the tipping as well as its stale stench. She believed she was ready, but she knew she should probably make sure Shadow was ready as well.

    58. Marina recoiled back to where Shadow was. She briefly explained her encounter with Hera to Shadow and told him to get prepped for a possible battle. In the meantime while Shadow got ready, she dug around a bit more.

    59. (did I even reply..?) Shadow followed her into wherever she went. (im feeling lazy k) (ignore this if i already commented)

    60. Shadow swam up to the pot and dipped the spear of his harpoon into the green mush. He grabbed a few of his replacement spears and dipped them in as well, to make sure he was full prepared for the dangers that lurked beneath. He gagged a bit when the disgusting smell stung his nostrils and quickly retreated down the hall to where Marina was going.

      Marina was perching next to the staircase that led deeper into the ship, waiting for Shadow to come with her. When the otter arrived, she readied her trident and slowly began to make her way downward.

    61. She held her breath and swam around the corner, ready to fight.

    62. (guess who's back back again)

      Marina dove down into the bottom most chamber of the treasure hold, trident at the ready. She looked around and found the source of the noise. A translucent, bright green figure seated on a crate and humming. The echo of its song bounced around, amplifying the creepy atmosphere the ship contained.

    63. (Hi there, I'd like to do this again, hope ye didn't abandon it -Shadow)

      Shadow came around the bend with her and stared at the figure. Holding his weapon, he crept over to a crate and hid, watching.

    64. Shadow peered around the side of the crate to get a closer look at the figure. It was a ghost for sure, but just not any ghost. A phantom ghost. Not like any kind of phantom he had seen before, but the resemblance was uncanny.

    65. Shadow got nervous. He had never seen anything like this before. He hid behind his crate and said nervously, weapon at the ready, "Hello?"

    66. A sharp yell came from the figure as it jolted up and out of its seat. It whipped around to reveal the entire left side of its face, including part of its eyes, was scarred.
      "What? Who are you?" He asked shakily.

    67. Shadow replied, "Well, I'm a blacksmith in the Bottlenose Brigade, and we're currently searching the ship for some useful things, while we're at it, who are you..?" Shadow was a bit nervous, but also comforted by the fact that the creature seemed afraid of him.

    68. The ghost phantom immediately straightened up and looked straight at you.
      "It's been years since I've seen anyone down this far." He said again. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Filus, and I was a pirate on this ship during the first phantom war."

    69. Shadow tried to continue on a friendly conversation with the ghost in hopes it wouldn't be aggressive. "Oh, wow," Shadow said. "I found this note that says it's written by you, what's it for?" Shadow dug around and found the note in his satchel and held it.

    70. Filus looked down.
      "Alright, so this is a conversation we're gonna have." He sighed. "Not like I have anything to lose now. Anyways, when I was on this ship, our captain, Captain Prestigio, was treating us unfairly, but it was only me and very few others who seemed to pick up on it. I was planning a mutiny and I wanted to get Ulysses, my most trustworthy friend, to help me, and so I asked him to meet me here in the treasure hold."
      You nod along, feeling around in your bag for the aforementioned note, in case he might want it.
      "But little did I know, the time we had chosen to meet was the exact same time that a Jamaasian fleet came and attacked us. That was the last battle the Menace ever fought."
      His voice seemed to sink immediately.
      "As we began talking, a stray cannonball from one of the attacking ships fired into the belly of the ship and managed to directly hit me, killing me immediately. Water started to pour in and the ship sunk shortly after that. Ulysses got out in time, but he drowned shortly after. I've been trapped in this ship ever since, cursed to roam around."

    71. (Sorry if you're waiting for me to get aggressive here, but I like talking to this guy)
      Shadow was listening intently when the story ended. "That sounds sad," he said. "Why don't you leave? There is a way to get out, since we got in, and hanging out where you died sounds miserable." Shadow had the note at the top of his satchel, and he also fingered his weapon, in case.

    72. He looked down.
      "It's a ghost thing. If we're trapped in the place we die, we can't leave unless we get taken out by something else." He looked around before returning his gaze to you. "Do you have a container or something?"

    73. Shadow thought to himself "Hope this ain't a trick, but he's a ghost, what can he do?" Shadow said, "Containers, hmm, the closest stuff I got is some shells, a book, a bottle cap, some scrap metal and a telescope. Is any of that any use to you?" Shadow did feel bad for the phantom ghost, even if he was on the opposition, but he still kept his guard up.

    74. "I don't know if those would do, but I bet we can find something around." Filus suggested. "You're here to look for something and I know this ship inside and out. What are you looking for in particular? I'll help you with whatever it is you need if you can let me out of here when you're done. How's that sound?"

    75. (My suspicion levels are at an all time high right now, I can tell I'll need to fight or escape SOMETHING.)
      Shadow said, "That sounds good, but no tricking me. Two things I want/need- a bottle or something for you, and I'd like to find some heron feathers, if you have any. Just 2 things. Deal?" Shadow ran over possible outcomes in his head. Filus would trap him in a room somewhere, attack him, collapse the boat, or maybe he'd help him complete that recipe in the Crafting Pit. Shadow quickly added, "Just safety precaution, tell me where to find both things, I find container, you go in or whatever ghosts do, I get the other thing, then I skedaddle. Just a safety precaution, I don't like trusting anyone right away."

    76. "Heron feathers now." He pondered. "I'm not sure if I can help you with that. You see, our ship was one of many transporting sacred Jamaasian goods away from the land. On board was a small box of heron feathers. But we got looted by the navy and they were taken away. We asked our associates, and all they told us was of a fellow named Elwood in Andesta. Whatever that means."
      Filus looked around again and seemed somewhat lost in thought before trailing back.
      "We should get looking anyways. Come on, we should check the artillery deck."
      Before you could respond, the phantom slowly began to drift through the water and phase through the roof of the treasure hold.

    77. (Im commenting again because IDK if my tablet worked)
      Shadow said to the roof, "I can't really follow you up there," and then searched the room for a bottle or the feathers or anything else, really.

    78. "You can come back up from wherever you came from. I can start looking." He hollered back.
      You start looking over the piles of junk in the hold, occasionally pushing aside a bunch of brass objects with your harpoon.

    79. Shadow searched the hold, looking at things. He hoped to find one of the 2 things, but finding something else would be fun as well.

    80. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a small glow coming from a chest. You go over and push it open to find a small bunch of glowing coral fragments. You take it and stuff it into your satchel.

      YOU GOT: Bioluminescent Coral

    81. Shadow looked around a bit more, seeing if anything else was there.

    82. The rest of the hold seemed to hold nothing but mostly useless objects and junk. You look up to the staircase that brought you down here.

    83. Shadow swam up the staircase, seeing if he'd find anything.

    84. You pick your way back up through the staircase until you're back in the long hallway you had initially came through. You look to the side and see a glowing green shape disappear down another flight of stairs on the other side of the hallway. Filus.

    85. Shadow didn't entirely trust the ghost, so Shadow decided to search the hallway for something useful.

    86. (Thought I replied to this one)

      Shadow looked around the hallway and didn't see anything. Continuing to move down the hallway, he heard a creak and looked down to see a loose floorboard.

    87. Shadow felt really eerie. He wondered where the rest of his group was. Shadow decided to make his way up, maybe more things would be towards the deck.

    88. Shadow walked into another doorway only to see it was filled entirely by a staircase going upwards. He trekked upwards for a long time until he finally emerged on the deck.
      He looked around, the eerie ambiance filling his ears. He looked up to see the great mast snapped in half, the top part and the large black sails hanging off the side of the ship.
      He could see the steering wheel on a rise on the other side of the ship, spinning by itself. Shadow felt shivers go down his spine, feeling extremely isolated and endangered.

    89. Shadow decided to find at least one other Bottlenose soldier and tell him about what he saw, while also looking for a bottle and feathers.

    90. Shadow quickly went back down the staircase, the creepy environment beginning to make him feel nauseous. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he began to walk down to the flight of stairs that Filus had went down earlier.
      As he made his way downward, he heard muffled yelling and talking from nearby. He could just barely make out a few words.
      "Stay back! You should've left this place years ago!"

    91. Shadow listened, alert. He could still here some loud, muffled talk. Someone could be in danger... Shadow listened closer, trying to pinpoint the sound so he could spy on the talkers.

    92. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he realized the yelling was coming from down to the right side of the hall. He began to swim off, looking around and suddenly realizing you were on the artillery deck. Cannons stuck out from windows in each stall and most of them were broken down.

  2. Marina takes the key. She also grabbed the note too. Captain always said to bring whatever seems important. With something nagging in the back of her head, she continued digging through the chests.

    1. (Stick to the other comment chain please :P)
      Marina swam over to another bunk bed and began to turn over several bundles of sheets. She found a small book and decided to open it up.

  3. Marina was swimming through, searching for chests in the ship. Something caught her tail. She looked down, finding a camouflaged door on the ship's floor. She opened it, despite the door's resistance. It was leading to a small tunnel that looked like it lead to a small room. She squeezed herself through the tunnel and looked. She found herself in a small room, which happened to have many items scattered on its floor.

    1. (Other comment chain please)
      As Marina carefully maneuvered through the basement of the ship, she heard an eerie whispering. A waft of bright green, the same color as the key she picked up earlier, was drifting through the water and down a door on the floor. She lifted her trident, ready to attack, and prepared to go inside.
